You searched for "anaesthesia"

789 results found

Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology - Fourth Edition

The Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology is the fourth edition of this text that aims to act as a reference for cosmetic skin, hair and nail products, and the theory and research behind their design. It brings together 64...

Laser Treatment of Vascular Lesions (Aesthetic Dermatology)

This book is the first in a new series of textbooks designed to be an ongoing multi-year series providing contemporary information within an ever-expanding field. It is edited by internationally recognised leaders in the field of lasers and rather than...

Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery: solving complications and avoiding unfavourable results

At just over 200 pages this American textbook features chapters covering aspects of aesthetic breast surgery including developmental asymmetry, mastopexy, gynaecomastia and breast reduction although a chapter on breast augmentation is conspicuous by its absence.The bulk of the text is...

Plastic Surgery Volume 5: Breast

This volume covers all aspects of breast surgery from anatomy to aesthetic surgery and then breast reconstruction for oncological and developmental aetiologies. In particular, several well-written chapters discuss the complications of breast surgery and their management with special consideration of...

Long-term quality outcomes of bimaxillary surgery of obstructive sleep apnoea

This is a review of 12 patients initially two years postoperatively and again at least 17 years postop. Successful outcome of a decrease in apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) of greater than 50% was thought to be success. Eight of the initial...

Chemical peels: a review of types, applications and complications

Chemical peeling agents continue to grow in popularity in response to rising patient demand. The author captures this popular treatment modality with a succinct review of some of the commonly used ingredients, classified broadly by depth into superficial, medium and...

Post-treatment advice following botulinum toxin injections

The author gives a detailed review of the advice that is routinely offered to patients following treatment with botulinum toxin, as well as the available evidence to substantiate current recommendations. There is a detailed description of the mechanism of action...

Laser treatment of tattoos

A useful and detailed paper on the theoretical and practical applications of laser tattoo removal, supported by an overview of the history of the use of lasers. Specifically, the author describes some of the basic laser physics, the assessment of...

Body contouring modalities for sculpting the abdomen and flanks

The author discusses the importance of appropriately assessing an individual’s BMI in relation to assessing suitability for non-surgical body contouring, with a detailed and balanced discussion of non-surgical methods of contouring the abdomen and flanks. Some of the more commonly...

The use of intense pulsed light therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is discussed in relation to its application in acne vulgaris. The author acknowledges that it may not be the most effective, or the first line therapy for managing such a challenging and persistent skin condition, but...

Evolution of laser lipolysis in non-invasive fat reduction and body sculpting

The author presents a comprehensive discussion on laser-assisted lipolysis. A brief discussion of the surgical history with abdominoplasty and traditional liposuction is described, alongside a detailed overview of the evolution of non-invasive laser-lipolysis that is underpinned by detailed diagrammatic explanations....

Bruxism: a practical guide to treatment with botulinum toxin type A

The aetiology of bruxism is outlined and referenced, giving a clear context to the reader. Recommended treatment options are listed, with a brief summary of the evidence concerning pharmaceutical options, oral appliances, splints, psychology and physiotherapy. The author discusses a...