You searched for "aesthetic"

839 results found

Cheek reconstruction following melanoma excision

Malignant melanoma occurs most commonly on the cheek and thus are usually diagnosed early, rarely needing large reconstructions following advanced disease. This is a retrospective looking at 26 patients identified that had undergone treatment for cheek melanomas between 1996 and...

The superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap in intraoral reconstruction

There can be little disagreement that a groin flap, or one of its derivatives, can leave behind a scar which is without problems (except, perhaps to a pole dancer). Thus popularisation of such a flap is much to be desired,...

Beta blockers in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas

Following the work of Léauté-Labrèze et al. in 2008, describing the successful use of beta blockers in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas, the medical treatment of these troublesome malformations has almost completely replaced surgical treatment, which has been relegated to...

Anteromedial thigh perforator free flaps

Forty-one consecutive anterior anteromedial thigh (AMT) free flaps are reported, with a success rate of 95%. This flap is being used as an alternative to the preferred anterolateral thigh flap (ALT), which is described as the ‘real workhorse’, when this...

Vascularised composite allotransplantation: an update

Vascularised composite allotransplantation (VCA) includes transplantation of multiple tissues in a single vascularised unit, such as the upper limb, or most dramatically the face. Truly remarkable results have been achieved, such as the one illustrated in this article. More than...

The cost of surgery for bedsores

Many plastic surgeons will have experienced a heart-sinking moment when receiving a request to give an opinion on a patient with a bedsore. The surgery is not technically demanding, but the postoperative care and rehabilitation of the patient can be...

Cheek and lip reconstruction

The authors present a well-structured review of the reconstruction of cutaneous defects of the cheek and lip. They present new findings that have an impact on the planning and understanding of local flaps for the reconstruction of both areas. Integrated...

Facial hair restoration

The author presents a review of facial hair transplant procedures. Specific areas of interest are eyebrows, beard, with goatee and moustache in detail, eyelashes and facial scars. Most common harvest procedures include the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique and the...

Superficial lymphatics of the abdominal wall in lymphatic microsurgery

This elegant and beautifully illustrated article requires to be carefully studied in its entirety by any surgeon planning to carry out lymphovenous anastomoses or vascularised lymph node transfer in the groin area. As the authors point out, the most difficult...

Principles of facial allotransplantation

In the seven years since the first partial face transplant was performed, a number of units around the world have raced to stamp their mark on this exciting and promising advance. In doing so, some have allowed their ambitions to...

Evolution of laser lipolysis in non-invasive fat reduction and body sculpting

The author presents a comprehensive discussion on laser-assisted lipolysis. A brief discussion of the surgical history with abdominoplasty and traditional liposuction is described, alongside a detailed overview of the evolution of non-invasive laser-lipolysis that is underpinned by detailed diagrammatic explanations....

The use of intense pulsed light therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is discussed in relation to its application in acne vulgaris. The author acknowledges that it may not be the most effective, or the first line therapy for managing such a challenging and persistent skin condition, but...