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1022 results found

A suggested management pathway for rhinophyma and benign superficial skin lesions that includes the use of plasma

Rhinophyma is an aesthetic embarrassment to many people. It is the result of sebaceous gland hyperplasia within the skin over the alar cartilages of the nose. It has a familial tendency and in addition to being unsightly it can commonly...

The role of expert witnesses in miscarriages of justice

‘Expert’ witnesses sometimes make mistakes. Great weight is often placed on expert evidence. The more esoteric the area of expertise, the greater the possibility of error. It follows that expert evidence sometimes leads to miscarriages of justice. Plastic surgery is...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 23) - Snoring

We all know what snoring is, but do we understand what snoring means?

Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery 2nd Edition – NEW REVIEW

When the book to be reviewed arrived in the post we were taken aback – popping the volumes on the scale, each weighed in at 2kg. Reviewing 4000grams of oculoplastics seemed insurmountably daunting until we noticed four things: first, this...

Reconstruction paediatric lower facial defects with an expanded flap from the submental region

Lower facial and perioral scars from burns or defects following treatment of vascular lesions can lead to serious facial deformity with lip ectropion and asymmetry. Conventional reconstructive methods like skin grafts or free flaps do not always give a satisfactory...

Management of ruptured breast implants

Breast augmentation is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure and has empowered individuals seeking aesthetic enhancement or reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer. Amid its popularity, the occurrence of implant rupture stands as a critical concern, impacting both physical wellbeing and...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 16) – Aggravating factors

The Judge just cannot say, “Lee’s airway and oxygenation were not established or maintained”. This is nonsensical from the perspective of a person trained in medicine. Even more senseless from a person who is not. If Lee’s airway was not established and maintained, how did Lee survive a three-hour operation, albeit in the prone position and without developing any signs of cyanosis?

Safety and risks of local anaesthesia and regional blocks in plastic surgery

The current COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented risks associated with intubation and general anaesthesia with the potential transmission of a novel and potentially fatal airborne disease. Local anaesthesia, when used appropriately, can provide safe and effective analgesia without the risks...

How I Do It - Forma radiofrequency

Forma is a non-invasive procedure that uses bipolar radiofrequency to promote collagen growth and improve skin elasticity. This treatment is ideal for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin texture, and promoting a youthful appearance. It is an easy-to-use technology...

In conversation with Mr Marc Pacifico (2021)

We were delighted to chat to Mr Marc Pacifico, BAAPS Council Member, about the future of plastic surgery training and the new Aesthetic Mentorship Scheme. BAAPS have recently introduced the Aesthetic Mentorship Scheme; can you tell us a bit about...

Durjoy – the Hong Kong story

I am appending this account to the previous article in order to illustrate how complex the reconstruction can be after an acid assault. Durjoy had acid poured into his mouth by his paternal aunt. It was a matter of inheritance....

Treatment of chrono and photoageing with combined light sources

Skin ageing depends on various intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (ambiental) factors: chrono and photoageing changes include wrinkles, abnormal pigmentation, skin laxity and telangiectasia. The Nordlys™ system is a multi-platform device that incorporates dual-filtering Selective Waveband Technology (SWT®) and two fractional,...