You searched for "Rejuvenation"

641 results found

Burns: A Practical Approach to Immediate Treatment and Long-Term Care

This is a concise book written with a broad reader base from all clinical backgrounds, aimed specifically at those caring for burns victims. It is worth noting that all the proceeds from sale of the book go to a charitable...

Diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaw

Although the management of medical relation osteonecrosis of the jaw is usually provided by colleagues in maxillofacial surgery, it is essential for ENT surgeons to effectively diagnose the various presentations of this condition. Affected bone that is exposed and necrotic...

Surgical exposures of the hand

This paper by Watt and Chung gives the reader an overview of hand anatomy, comments upon the aesthetics of hand surgery and summarizes some surgical approaches to the hand. The introduction presents a concise overview of the relevant anatomy of...

The supraclavicular artery flap for head and neck reconstruction

Free tissue transfer has been manifested to be the primary reconstructive tool for major ablative defects of the head and neck. However, many patients are not good candidates for free tissue transfer because of their medical comorbidities or lack of...

Body dysmorphic disorder and addiction to medical aesthetic procedures

This article by two expert authors within the field of anxiety disorders covers a highly poignant subject of growing interest within aesthetic medicine. It covers the definition and manifestation of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), underpinned by robust and current references,...

Correction of skin hyperpigmentation by chemical exfoliation

The patient, a 46-year-old female, arrived at the clinic reporting a hyperpigmentation issue and actinic ageing of the skin of the entire body, but with greater discomfort in the skin on her back. The patient asked for a consultation and...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Emergenza Sorrisi – Doctors for Smiling Children

History Our association was born in 2007, originally under the name SmileTrain Italy Onlus, with the aim of operating on children affected by cleft lip and palate in the developing world, offering them the possibility to smile and to have...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 5 October 2016

And there was me thinking Hong Kong is in a bit of a political mess! What an extraordinary few weeks in the UK as far as medicine is concerned. After months of insisting that he, The Right Honorable Jeremy Hunt,...

Intra-oral implants in posterior maxilla - predictors of failure

Generally current dental implant placement is a successful procedure with predictable outcomes, especially when sited within normal quality and quantity of bone. The posterior maxilla, however, can be challenging. This is especially so with reduced bone volume following loss of...

Semi dynamic reconstruction of the lower lip

The main goal of reconstructive surgery for facial paralysis is the restoration of smiling and function of eye closure. The deformity of the lower lip in paralysis is ptosis of the corner of the mouth, eversion of the vermillion and...

Lipofilling for scar improvement

Since Coleman et al. in 1991 reported on lipofilling, numerous applications have been reported; these include but are not limited to contour restoration, lip augmentation and wrinkle therapy. There have also been some one-off reports of improvements in scars following...