You searched for "male"

577 results found

Measures against female hair loss

The author presents a detailed, well-structured review about female hair transplant surgery. Female hair pattern loss usually differs from male hair pattern loss, resulting in regions of the scalp where hair density falls without complete alopecia. Surgery for female patients...

Body dysmorphic disorder and addiction to medical aesthetic procedures

This article by two expert authors within the field of anxiety disorders covers a highly poignant subject of growing interest within aesthetic medicine. It covers the definition and manifestation of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), underpinned by robust and current references,...

The gender affirmation surgery MDT

The authors provide a comprehensive and thought-provoking discussion of the multidisciplinary nature of caring for someone undergoing gender reassignment surgery. In the last 50 years in the UK an estimated 130,000 people have changed their gender assigned at birth (assigned...

Transgender breast surgery

Most plastic surgeons working outside specialist centres for gender affirmation surgery will have a number of patients within their population wishing to undergo their breast surgery more locally. Surgery for this small minority is informed largely by experience in the...

In conversation with Henry Chan

We spoke with Dr Henry Chan, President of the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS), about his career and the society’s plans for this year. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the...

SPECT scans not justified in growth of the mandibular condyle

This is a paper from Hong Kong of 200 patients between January 2011 and July 2013 who underwent SPECT bone scintigraphy for assessment of growth causing condylar hyperplasia and subsequent mandibular asymmetry. Thirty-four patients were found to have active growth...

Acid Survivors Trust International

The shocking acid attack on two British nationals in Zanzibar in August 2013 drew attention to a little known and under-reported form of interpersonal violence. Acid attack is a particularly vicious form of a premeditated assault, where acid is thrown,...

The creation of PlayDoh<sup>®</sup> models as an educational tool for teaching anatomy of the eyelid

A full understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid is essential for oculoplastic surgeons; the authors guide us through an innovative way to improve the teaching of this important subject. An understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid is essential...

How I Do It - Non-ablative laser treatment of surgical and acne-induced scars

Scars tell stories of life – almost everyone has at least one. The disappearance of postoperative scars is important to many of our patients. This is particularly indicated for aesthetically dominant areas such as the face, neck and décolleté, but...

Encouraging results on treating thinning hair with PRP

Over the last few years platelet rich plasma (PRP) has made a big splash in the aesthetics world causing much excitement. It has been used for skin rejuvenation, softening lines and wrinkles, as part of an anti-ageing process. With the...

BCAM Annual Clinical Review 2021

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) is the only UK body representing aesthetic doctors and dentists that conducts an annual survey of its members’ clinical data, collating information about treatments, complications and trends. The Annual Clinical Review has been...

Psychological outcomes following ultrasound-assisted gynaecomastia reduction in adult men

Gynaecomastia is a common condition that is said to affect 30-65% of men worldwide. Regardless of the severity of the condition, many men that are affected by their gynaecomastia, suffer considerable social embarrassment. The incidence appears to be increasing as...