You searched for "liposuction"

463 results found

Body contouring surgery following massive weight loss

There are many different perceptions about what defines the term ‘overweight’. The reality is however that, for many, being overweight is a condition that brings with it significant health and social problems. It is estimated that almost two thirds of...

In conversation with Dr Suzan Obagi

We caught up with famous cosmetic dermatologist Dr Suzan Obagi following her visit to the UK this summer. Dr Suzan Obagi You are one of the foremost cosmetic surgeons / dermatologists in the United States – can you tell us...

Lymphoedema surgical treatment: myths and facts

Lymphoedema is a common condition that has a major impact on quality of life. Surgical treatment can help affected patients and produce good results, but there is no consensus on which surgical procedure is the most effective. The authors review...

Essentials of Aesthetic Surgery

Such a well written book, this is an absolute must for your reference collection. The demand for aesthetic surgery is rapidly growing and this book is a concise haven of knowledge not only for those training in plastics but also...

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Asians - Principles and Techniques (Two volume set)

This two-volume textbook is a broad overview of cosmetic surgeries, written by a number of experts, providing a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to various cosmetic surgical procedures. The two volumes of the book are divided into 10 parts. The opening ‘General...

Encyclopedia of Aesthetic Rejuvenation Through Volume Enhancement

The publication of this reference book on volume enhancement in aesthetic surgery is timely. Volume replacement, whether with fat, fillers, or permanent implants, plays a key role in rejuvenation and beautification of the face and body. This book gives a...

A farcical attempt to uphold the law

I read in the paper last week that an 86-year-old plastic surgeon, Franklin Li, was being charged with 21 offences that were associated with the death of a top Hong Kong banker, Zoe Cheung, in a beauty clinic in Tsim...

Safety and risks of local anaesthesia and regional blocks in plastic surgery

The current COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented risks associated with intubation and general anaesthesia with the potential transmission of a novel and potentially fatal airborne disease. Local anaesthesia, when used appropriately, can provide safe and effective analgesia without the risks...

Clinical Anatomy of the Face for Filler and Botulinum Toxin Injection

This text provides an exquisite overview of clinical anatomy for aesthetic clinicians, providing cosmetic injectable treatments to an Asian population. The anatomical photography and clinical dissections convey exceptional detail of facial structures, combining embalmed and unembalmed specimens, as well as...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 12) – Risk

Risks are ubiquitous in medicine. It is very important to realise that a risk can be both a threat and a friend. Risks relate to probabilities. The probability or possibility that the outcome may not be as desired. The Law does have a perverse view on this. The Law likes, demands, seeks cause and consequence. An honest doctor can rarely satisfy the Law. And that is why it was such a bad thing to see this poor Judge being led by the nose by two unscrupulous Medical “Experts”!

How will Keogh impact non-surgical services?

Following the PIP implant scandal of 2010, The Department of Health (DH) commissioned a review of the regulation of cosmetic interventions in September 2012. In April 2013, following extensive consultation the review panel published its recommendations. The recommendations set out...

How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – augmentation, reduction / mastopexy and augmentation mastopexy

The first aspect of postoperative care is to prevent or pre-empt potential problems; two main concerns are bleeding and infection. Towards the end of the procedure, I always undertake an antiseptic or saline washout before closing and check the blood...