You searched for "male"

577 results found

How I Do It - Patient selection in aesthetic medicine

After taking a full medical history of the patient I ask what their concerns are and why they have come in to see me that day. In addition, I perform a psychological assessment of the patient to get a deeper...

Medico-legal Forum (Laser/Polydioxanone)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. Conclusion to the previous case Last issue’s Medico-Legal Forum discussed a case...

Case Study: Combination therapy with energy-based devices for improvement of facial photodamage, skin laxity and textural irregularities

Renowned dermatologist Michael Gold takes us through why combination therapies are becoming increasingly popular in facial rejuvenation. Combination therapies with energy-based devices (EBDs) have become very popular in cosmetic and aesthetic surgical circles. This applies to both the more invasive...

COVID-19: plastic surgeons on the front line

riting, I am now halfway through my second set of 12-hour shifts on our COVID admitting ward. As this crisis loomed, our hospital shut down elective services and drafted in all staff to support the expected surge of ill patients....

CQC regulators and private hospitals need more common sense

There is a fundamental flaw in the way regulatory bodies are allowed to pressure and scare perfectly functioning private hospitals. Invariably the regulators themselves are of ordinary stock and have to justify their salaries by increasing administrative workloads on others....

Regulation of non-surgical cosmetic interventions

As Paul Harris and Mark Henley discussed in a previous article (see here), certification of cosmetic surgery is being encouraged. Sally Taber, from the JCCP, outlines why non-surgical cosmetic interventions are arguably more urgently in need of effective regulation. Regulation...

How I Do It - Approaches to lip augmentation: more than just increasing size

Having full lips is commonly associated with beauty and youthfulness. This is the reason why lip enhancement is one of the most frequently requested procedures. The complete perioral frame should be taken in to consideration to achieve a more natural...

The beauty of Instagram reels

Alan S Adams, award-winning business coach and author, and Director of The Clinic Coach, explores why aesthetic clinics need to be utilising Instagram Reels in 2023, and how this can lead to ultimate business success. With Instagram declared the most...

In conversation with Loredana Cavalieri

We were delighted to catch up with Dr Loredana Cavalieri, Councillor for Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica (SIME), about her background and plans for this year’s SIME Congress. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into...

New approaches to soft tissue reconstruction involving adipose tissue engineering

Introduction The spectrum of patients affected by subcutaneous tissue loss is both wide and varied, including those who have undergone tumour removal, trauma patients, such as those injured in road traffic accidents, and individuals who have suffered from deep burns...

Letter from Hong Kong (13 April 2020)

Now is not the time to start spreading blame. There will be time for that later. At the same time, now, is the time to recognise the great courage required in true leadership.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 2)

In Volume 1, Issue 1 of this journal I wrote an article entitled: ‘From PIP to DC-CIK to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: a medico-political minefield’. Little did I know or anticipate what a mess this was going to become: a medico-legal mess with ignorant lawyers and arrogant doctors demonstrating how stupidity and rapacious hypocrisy can twist and distort reality for the purposes of extracting a bizarre social revenge with little sense of justice.