You searched for "research"

716 results found

Regulation of non-surgical cosmetic interventions

As Paul Harris and Mark Henley discussed in a previous article (see here), certification of cosmetic surgery is being encouraged. Sally Taber, from the JCCP, outlines why non-surgical cosmetic interventions are arguably more urgently in need of effective regulation. Regulation...

In and out of love with surgery

Growing up with books shaped me into a hopeless romantic believing in heroes, magic and achieving the impossible. Throughout the years as I sat patiently waiting on my letter from Hogwarts I instead received my acceptance letter to medical school....

CQC regulators and private hospitals need more common sense

There is a fundamental flaw in the way regulatory bodies are allowed to pressure and scare perfectly functioning private hospitals. Invariably the regulators themselves are of ordinary stock and have to justify their salaries by increasing administrative workloads on others....

New guidance marks a fundamental shift in clarifying requirements for providers of cosmetic interventions

Following the Keogh Report there has been a shift to bring a more consistent approach to the practice of cosmetics in the UK. On 12 April 2016 the GMC (General Medical Council) released the guidance for doctors who offer cosmetic...

IN RESPONSE TO: Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine - specialties and specialists

I read with great interest the article ‘Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine: specialties and specialists’ by Professor Andrew Burd published in the Feb/Mar issue of PMFA News. Prof Burd brings up many valid points about the specialty of plastic surgery...

Debate: cannulas vs. needles - Needles

It is generally agreed that the choice of cannula or needle is site and material dependent, but the injector‘s comfort and skill in creating a desired aesthetic result is also important. The two most important considerations are the aesthetic outcome...

How will Keogh impact non-surgical services?

Following the PIP implant scandal of 2010, The Department of Health (DH) commissioned a review of the regulation of cosmetic interventions in September 2012. In April 2013, following extensive consultation the review panel published its recommendations. The recommendations set out...

In Conversation with Dr Benjamin Ascher (2024)

We also interviewed Dr Benjamin Ascher in 2019 - click here to read the article. We were delighted to catch up with Dr Benjamin Ascher, an esteemed Plastic Surgeon from France, about his career and passion for education. Dr Benjamin...

In Conversation with Professor Moustapha Hamdi

We were delighted to speak with Professor Moustapha Hamdi, Professor and Chairman of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department at Brussels University Hospital, Belgium, about this career and plans for this year’s CATBBAS. Professor Moustapha Hamdi. Can you tell us...

In conversation with Mr Marc Pacifico (2019)

We were delighted to chat to Mr Marc Pacifico, BAAPS Council Member, about his career in plastic surgery and plans for this year’s Annual Meeting. You are internationally recognised in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery – can you tell...

In conversation with Loredana Cavalieri

We were delighted to catch up with Dr Loredana Cavalieri, Councillor for Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica (SIME), about her background and plans for this year’s SIME Congress. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into...

Follow-up interview with Mr Miles Berry Consultant Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon

The editor’s clarification Andrew Burd: Miles, many thanks indeed for giving the interview that appeared in the first issue of PMFA News (see PMFA News 1(1):24). I read this with great interest as some very topical and sensitive issues were...