You searched for "ear reconstruction"

481 results found

A comparison of academic output of Welsh burns and plastic surgery trainees pre- and mid-COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the work of doctors worldwide, with surgical resources being diverted and non-emergency surgeries postponed. With surgical activity at 33.6% of expected levels in 2020, this sudden, vast decrease in surgical activity may have granted some...

Letter from Hong Kong (21 April 2020)

The PMFA Journal co-editor Andrew Burd looks at the impact of SARS on plastic surgery in Hong Kong.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 26) - Time To Sum Up

It is a little over six months ago that I began these blogs and now I am beginning the stage of summing up.

Training of Aesthetic Surgery: a statement from the UKAAPS President

The UK Association of Plastic Surgeons (UKAAPS) is delighted to support PMFA News and recognises the niche it holds in the education and dissemination of information about plastic surgery to surgeons, patients, regulators, facilitators, media and the general public. As...

Raising the bar for safer cosmetic surgery in the UK – part 2

In the second of a two-part article (see Part 1 here) Professor James Frame, from the Anglia Ruskin University, gives us his opinion on what needs to be done to improve cosmetic surgery and patient safety in the UK. Medical...

How I Do It - Aesthetic reconstruction of the nasal radix-rhinion complex

The radix-rhinion complex forms one of the most important pillars of nasal aesthetics. Due to its complex anatomical nature and distance from the point of access, this region can be commonly involved in suboptimal results. Tailor-made operative planning Most of...

In conversation with Dr Hema Sundaram

We were delighted to chat to world-renowned Dr Hema Sundaram about her fascinating career in dermatology and how plans for SEASON 2020 are going. You are internationally recognised in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery – can you tell...

A world-first in cosmetic surgery. All eyes are upon Australia.

The past three years have been tumultuous for cosmetic surgery in Australia. Media reporting on the poor practise of a small number of medical practitioners led to multiple administrative processes including the Independent review of the regulation of medical practitioners...

The impact of COVID-19 on aesthetic plastic surgery in the UK: a survey of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

Introduction Devastating pandemics have occurred throughout human history, including the Antonine Plague (AD 165-180), the Justinian Plague (AD 514-549), the Black Death (AD 1347-1351) and the Spanish Flu (AD 1918-1919). The COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China in December 2019,...

The fault in our scars

A groundbreaking study recently presented to the British Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons (BAPRAS –, conducted at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in collaboration with the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Kids and University College London, has...

In conversation with Dr Benjamin Ascher (2019)

The PMFA Journal was delighted to chat to internationally renowned plastic surgeon Dr Benjamin Ascher for his thoughts on training and changes to the world of aesthetics. Dr Benjamin Ascher How have things changed since you first started working in...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 9 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part three). In the ensuing few months I came up with this idea of an Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Chris Howse?...