You searched for "Wounds"

797 results found

Excisional margins for cutaneous malignancies

The authors present the results of a retrospective study of 495 non melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) lesions of the face treated with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) over a six year period. The size of the lesion was calculated as the...

Alar retraction – background and handling

The authors present a comprehensive analysis of alar retraction malformation in rhinoplasty patients. For this retrospective review they analysed 45 patients with alar-columellar disproportion. Various aetiologies were identified. Treatment of these has to be determined on an individual case-to-case basis....

Conjunctival mapping biopsies in sebaceous carcinoma

This is a retrospective review of conjunctival mapping biopsies in patients with periocular sebaceous cell carcinoma. The authors reviewed the biopsy technique and outcomes of 45 patients who had mapping biopsies performed over a 25-year period. A total of 429...

Intravenous paracetamol in orbital surgery

This is a large prospective study of the effect of intravenous acetaminophen (paracetamol) in orbital surgery. The study included three groups of 50 patients. One group had no i.v. paracetamol, the second 1g of i.v. paracetamol within 30 minutes of...

Acute dacryocystic retention

This is a retrospective study of patients with acute dacryocystic retention (ADR). The condition is distinct from infectious dacryocystitis, and is chararcterised by an acute onset of pain and epiphora associated with a tender but not inflamed lacrimal sac thought...

Pliability and elasticity of the external nasal skin in unilateral nasal valve collapse

The authors performed this study to test the hypothesis that the nasal skin of patients with unilateral nasal valve collapse demonstrates reduced elasticity and increased pliability on the side of the collapse compared with the nasal skin on the side...

Lymph node ratio in tongue cancer

This is an analysis of 88 patients treated in Switzerland between 2003 and 2012. All patients had a selective neck dissection and recurrence occurred in 25 patients. Overall and disease specific survival were 72% and 80%. They specifically looked at...

Bone grafting in orthognathic surgery

This is a systematic review from Belgium and Saudi Arabia of 48 articles. They reviewed the complication, stability, aesthetics and healing of Le Fort I, sagittal split, chin and zygomatic osteotomies. They concluded that there was strong evidence that bone...

Ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome

The ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome is a very rare condition caused by a dominant mutation in the TWIST2 gene. Congenital defects include rudimentary eyelids, macrostomia, ambiguous genitalia and campodactyly. Neonates are at risk of severe corneal exposure without intervention. Previous reports have...

Extracapsular dissection versus parotidectomy

This is a literature review of 16 papers using the PRISMA protocol. In comparing the two techniques, not surprisingly, they found that the extracapsular dissection had a reduced facial nerve paralysis, Frey syndrome and operation time but also a reduced...

CD73 in aggressive basal cell carcinoma

This is a retrospective review looking at levels of CD73 in aggressive basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) that invade the orbit. Eleven patients who underwent orbital exenteration for invasion by BCCs were compared with 10 matched controls who had simple nodular...

Medico-legal Forum (Botulinum/Laser)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. In our February/March issue we featured a case that involved complications following...