You searched for "healing"

1059 results found

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 21 November 2016

The new international word of the year for 2016 is ‘post-truth’. The term refers to the practice of appealing to emotion and personal beliefs rather than objective and verifiable truth when attempting to influence public opinion. Apparently, the usage of...

Treatment of rosacea using pulsed dye laser

Rosacea is a common chronic cutaneous inflammatory condition estimated to affect 415 million people worldwide [1]. It characteristically affects the central face and its primary features include flushing, non-transient erythema, telangiectasia and in progressive stages papules and pustules. Secondarily, it...

Temporomandibular disorders – a surgeon’s view

The temporomandibular joint is unique, in that it has a fibrocartilaginous intra-articular disc and has a ginglyomo-arthrodial action. The disc is designed to allow for the gliding movement down the posterior slope of the articular eminence with little, if any,...

My experience of setting up a nurse-led independent aesthetics and dermatology clinic

An experienced nurse shares her tips and advice for launching an independent private aesthetic clinic. LoveSkin Clinic opened its doors in November 2016. Like so many other nurses embarking on such a venture I had no experience running a business...

Role of copper ions in drinking water in the pathogenesis of oral submucous fibrosis: the missing link in the aetiopathology?

Often a breakthrough link in the understanding of the aetiopathogenesis of a hitherto common pathology that has been evading the medical community may not come from the hi-tech labs of the developed world but from the intelligent investigations from a...

In conversation with Maniram Ragbir

We were delighted to catch up with Maniram Ragbir about his career highlights and his current role as BAPRAS President. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery and what have...

Building sustainable global partnerships – the BFIRST perspective on future-proofing global plastic surgery

The British Foundation for International Surgery and Training (BFIRST) marks their 10-year anniversary this year as an organisation. As the international outreach arm of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), BFIRST focuses on supporting surgeons in...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 18) - The judge fails at maths

I was troubled by the Judge's response and wondered what a mathematician would have thought of it. So, the following emails ensued:

Regenerative Medicine in Aesthetic Treatments: Stem cells, Stromal Vascular Fraction, Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Rich Fibrin

This book is a thoroughly informative and enjoyable read. The demand for integrative and regenerative medicine is rocketing and this book is a fantastic introduction to the subject. It is comprehensive yet a fairly comfortable read, easy to navigate and...

Medical Cosmetic Awards 2015

The PMFA News team were delighted to receive an invitation to the Medical Cosmetic Awards in Glasgow as this was the first ever event of its kind to be held in Scotland. Despite this being Scotland’s first awards, there was...

Emergenza Sorrisi – Doctors for Smiling Children

History Our association was born in 2007, originally under the name SmileTrain Italy Onlus, with the aim of operating on children affected by cleft lip and palate in the developing world, offering them the possibility to smile and to have...

In conversation with Henry Chan

We spoke with Dr Henry Chan, President of the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS), about his career and the society’s plans for this year. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the...