You searched for "consultation"

901 results found

Revision facial plastic surgery

This is a timely publication to address some of the contemporary issues we face in dealing with poor results, or remediating results of others. No one escapes dissatisfactory outcomes. Lower lid rejuvenation is no longer a surgical manipulation of the...

Calling all competitive plastic surgeons

Ever thought about combining some medical education with some leisure? Ever thought about flying the flag for your unit to show the rest of Europe how awesome your department is? Ever thought about helping to raise some money to fund...

Impact of lateral crural repositioning on alar rim position

Cephalic orientation of the lower lateral cartilages results in tip fullness, a bulbous tip, and alar instability during inspiration. It has an incidence of approximately 68% in primary and 87% in secondary rhinoplasty patients. Paquet et al. performed the first,...

Letter from Hong Kong (6 January 2022)

So now we are entering the third year of this global pandemic. It is changing, evolving and is bringing out the very best and the very worst in humanity. Science and scientists have had a real bashing, but then who by? Quacks, aardvarks and gobbeldygooks. Looking back is looking forward.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 23a) – forensic snoring

If a person is snoring that means they are breathing. If they are breathing and their skin is of a normal colour does that not suggest that they are oxygenating the tissues?

How to establish a successful practice in aesthetic medicine

It is no secret that today’s aesthetic patients tend to seek non-invasive, non-surgical solutions as opposed to invasive treatments. According to the latest statistics published by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (, there were over 11 million surgical...

How I Do It - Skin peeling

For thousands of years chemical peels have been used for ameliorating the signs of photoageing, reducing scarring and skin lightening. The term ‘chemical peel’ is both loose and frightening to consumers. Some patients only think of the images they see...

Another paper advocating resection templates

Resection in the head and neck region leads to complex defects with significant impairment in function. Reconstruction is even more difficult and to improve the accuracy of both resection and reconstruction a number of aids are used. With the improved...

A conservative approach to treat ameloblastoma

Ameloblastoma is a relatively rare odontogenic tumour that is benign but locally aggressive. Additionally they tend to recur locally. These are rare accounting for 1% of oral tumours and occur almost exclusively in the jaws. It is more common in...

Lymphatic microsurgery to treat lymphoedema

The authors discuss the role of surgery to manage primary and secondary lymphoedema in patients whose lymphoedema has not been controlled by standard conservative measures and whose symptoms are worsening. There is a brief discussion of the relevant investigations and...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.

Problems in Periorbital Surgery: A Repair Manual

This is a multi-author textbook directed at oculoplastic and plastic surgeons carrying out and managing aesthetic eyelid surgery. The authors are well-known and commonly cite their mentor, Clinton (‘Sonny’) McCord as the main inspiration behind the textbook. Each section contains...