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406 results found

Rhinoplasty for cleft nose deformity

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Modern cleft lip and palate repairs produce excellent functional and aesthetic results...

Revirgination is not the same as hymenoplasty

The operation called hymenoplasty is requested by women all over the world before marriage if they have engaged in premarital sex. They think that by undertaking the procedure of hymenoplasty they will regain their lost virginity, a theory that is...

A Timeline of Plastic Surgery

Where did the name ‘plastic’ surgery come from? It is probable that the first use of the term was by the German von Graefe in his book Rhinoplastik published in 1818. The intention was to describe the moulding of tissue...

How I Do It - Surgical approach to facial palsy – lengthening the temporalis myoplasty

In cases of long-established facial palsy, one of the main problems faced by patients is the inability to smile. In this situation, consideration should be given to facial reanimation (smile) surgery. In most cases of chronic facial palsy new muscles...

COVID-19 Tips and Insights

The following blog articles have been kindly provided by Eric Levi. For more from Eric Levi, visit COVID19 affects everyone Posted on 01/04/2020 by Eric Levi Here’s a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention looking at...

Dermoscopy: an update and personal view

With skin cancer now at epidemic levels, early diagnosis is essential. Specialist Stephen Hayes advocates the use of dermoscopy as a triage tool and explains how to interpret the data. Melanoma skin cancer is now the UK’s fifth most common...

Evaluating the efficacy of 2-millisecond versus 3-millisecond Pulse Duration in Laser Hair Removal using a 755 nm Alexandrite laser

Abstract: This study evaluates the effectiveness of 2 ms versus 3 ms pulse duration in laser hair removal (LHR) with the GentleMax Pro Plus™ system using a 755 nm Alexandrite handpiece in subjects with Fitzpatrick skin types III and IV....

COVID-19: How the plastic surgery specialty is responding

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, what happens when there is no work? We present viewpoints from various plastic surgeons faced with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of the Cosmetic Surgery Forum...

The medial gastrocnemius flap

This classic muscle flap is now being used with increasing frequency following revision knee joint surgery. Following the Nahai and Mathes classification, the gastrocnemius muscle is a Type I muscle with a single dominant vascular pedicle (Figure 1). The gastrocnemius...

The day to day running of an aesthetics clinic

With the booming aesthetics industry expected to continue growing at the rate of 10% per year, the move into setting up and running your own aesthetics clinic may seem increasingly tempting. PMFA News’ very own Victoria Smith takes you through...

Lipoedema awareness – the current state of play

Why do we need awareness? Around 40% of women in the UK are overweight or obese. Yet, within that 40% statistic, is a sub-set of women for whom that is not the full story. They suffer from a condition called...

Management of masseter hypertrophy and bruxism with Botulinum Toxin A

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. The squaring of the lower third of the face can be an...