You searched for "dressing"

695 results found

What to look for in new exosome products: A guide to the exosome cosmetic market

Exosomes have become increasingly trendy in the cosmeceutical market, not only as the latest buzzword but also in alignment with the growing trend towards natural beauty. By harnessing the regenerative potential of exosomes and incorporating them into daily skincare routines...

Encyclopedia of Aesthetic Rejuvenation Through Volume Enhancement

The publication of this reference book on volume enhancement in aesthetic surgery is timely. Volume replacement, whether with fat, fillers, or permanent implants, plays a key role in rejuvenation and beautification of the face and body. This book gives a...

Transgender breast surgery

Most plastic surgeons working outside specialist centres for gender affirmation surgery will have a number of patients within their population wishing to undergo their breast surgery more locally. Surgery for this small minority is informed largely by experience in the...

Body Contouring and Liposuction: Expert Consult

The authors, in the Preface of Body Contouring and Liposuction, acknowledge that this challenging and constantly evolving branch of plastic surgery lies at a unique intersection of “surgical skill, artistry and new technology”. Their book aims to deconstruct and simplify...

How I Do It - A global approach to facial volumising

As the demand for natural results in aesthetic medicine increases, both patients and physicians are more educated in the complex ageing process of the face. Instead of chasing lines, a more global facial approach with strategic placement of deep volume,...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 20) - Culpability: The judge opines

The issue at stake is one of culpability. Who is to blame when things go wrong? That involves both an awareness of what has actually happened and those responsible for the various elements that have shown to be at fault.

A new autologous flap option for breast reconstruction

The authors of this paper present the first meaningful series utilising the lateral thigh perforator flap for breast construction. Eight patients had delayed unilateral reconstruction, each with two stacked flaps. Anastamoses were performed antegrade and retrograde to one internal mammary...

Cheek augmentation from A to Z

An outline of facial assessment principles and anatomical considerations regarding augmenting the cheek and mid-face is explored. Background statistics are stated regarding the number of injectable procedures performed, referenced to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) data, 2016. Attention...

Retroauricular vs. inguinal donor site for full-thickness skin grafts in syndactyly repair

Most surgeons recommend the use of full thickness skin grafts (FTSGs) for syndactyly repair in order to achieve a tension free reconstruction and prevent web creep. The inguinal region, cubital fossa and wrist are all well recognised donor sites for...

Laser and light-based treatments for pigmented lesions

The authors detail the types of lasers and light-based devices that can be used in the treatment of epidermal and dermal pigmentations. Skin colour differences have, for centuries, been associated with the economic, political and social status of a person;...

Improving cosmesis after breast implant removal

Removing breast implants has a profound effect on the patient’s appearance; in this article the authors, both expert breast surgeons, discuss how to optimise the cosmetic result. Removing breast implants has a profound effect on the patient’s appearance and we...

How I Do It - Skin tightening: Profound

Areas of skin laxity are a concern to many patients. A decline in collagen and elastin production arising from chronological or environmental ageing often presents as sagging skin on the face, neck or body, and patients frequently enquire about availability...