You searched for "Reconstructive"

692 results found

Obituary: Michael Felix Freshwater, MD 1948-2016

Revelation By Robert Frost (my favourite American Poet) WE make ourselves a place apartBehind light words that tease and flout,But oh, the agitated heartTill someone find us really out. ‘Tis pity if the case require(Or so we say) that in...

How I Do It - X neo-umbilicoplasty

Following an abdominoplasty the umbilicus is repositioned and inset into a new position. When healed it should have a natural appearance and in order to get this outcome it is necessary to understand what is ‘normal’. Several different morphological appearances...

Sushruta and Indian rhinoplasty

Vijay Pothula explains rhinoplasty’s roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and how it was introduced to the Western world. In 1794 The Gentleman’s Magazine published a surgical operation which was long established in India but unknown in Europe [1]. A...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 8 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong An evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part two). The death of a young person. A fit and healthy person. A person for whom adult life has only...

From PIP to DC-CIK to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: a medico-political minefield

Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) was a French company that manufactured silicone breast implants that were surgically implanted mainly for cosmetic breast augmentation. Of note, ‘cosmetic’ is used in the strict sense of the word meaning false and artificial and does...

Revirgination is not the same as hymenoplasty

The operation called hymenoplasty is requested by women all over the world before marriage if they have engaged in premarital sex. They think that by undertaking the procedure of hymenoplasty they will regain their lost virginity, a theory that is...

Body Contouring and Liposuction: Expert Consult

The authors, in the Preface of Body Contouring and Liposuction, acknowledge that this challenging and constantly evolving branch of plastic surgery lies at a unique intersection of “surgical skill, artistry and new technology”. Their book aims to deconstruct and simplify...

Maxillomandibular advancement for sleep apnoea

This is a meta-analysis compiled from India. Of the initial 103 publications 20 were analysed. Surgical cure was defined as postsurgical AHI of fewer than five events per hour. Of the 251 patients assessed for AHI, 12 where considered normal,...

Patient-Specific Hybrid Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has changed considerably over the past one hundred years, not only in terms of the surgical techniques used, but also in the outcome desired by patients. There are now a large number of surgical techniques used which deal with...

Augmentation rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty refers to a procedure in plastic surgery in which the structure of the nose is changed by adding or removing bone or cartilage, grafting tissue from another part of the body, or implanting synthetic material to alter the shape...

Use of photodynamic therapy in the management of papulopustular rosacea

The author presents a review of the current evidence on the use of topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) for treating papulopustular rosacea, initially with a brief overview of the aetiology of the disease and licensed treatment options, before exploring the context...

The Bottom Line: buttock augmentation

The first use of silicone implants for buttock augmentation was by Bartels et al. in 1969 [1]. We must acknowledge the innovative and imaginative brilliance of the Brazilians and the descriptive detail of other surgeons, but especially Mendietta for the...