You searched for "dermal"

540 results found

The three stages of breast reconstruction

Breast cancer has become so common that most people reading this article will know someone (either professionally or personally) who has been affected by breast cancer. One of the most common treatments for breast cancer is removal of the ‘whole’...

Thread lifting – the fundamentals

"Thread lifting” is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that is becoming increasingly popular internationally [1-3]. Threads are surgical sutures that can be utilised for facial and body contouring and rejuvenation. These sutures can be used for skin rejuvenation as bio-stimulators...

Recurrent corneal erosions secondary to isotretinoin use

This article originally appeared in Eye News Dec/Jan 2021 Isotretinoin (13–cis-retinoic acid) is the first line treatment for moderate to severe nodulocystic or papulopustular acne [1,2]. Although it is a safe medication, it has several adverse side-effects, including ophthalmic manifestations,...

Can 3D facial imaging improve patient management in disfiguring eye disease?

Fight for Sight is the leading UK charity funder of eye research. Since the 2013 Sight Loss and Vision Priority Setting Partnership we have encouraged our researchers to work on priorities jointly identified by people affected by sight loss and...

Clitoral reconstructive surgery after female genital cutting

Female genital mutilation / cutting (FGM/C), aka female circumcision, is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “All procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons” [1]. Practised in Africa and other...

The incidence of non-surgical rejuvenation in facial aesthetic surgery

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation has increased exponentially in the last 20–30 years in a society which demands immediate results with minimal downtime. The overall UK market is estimated at £3.6 billion annually. The use of facial injectables increased by 7000% between...

The Evolution of Wood MediSpa

As surgeons we must have all dreamt of owning our own facility. The perfect dream of a stand-alone private hospital with the entire patient journey seamlessly mapped out. It would offer unparalleled continuity of care – the same team doing...

The future of acne treatment is clear

As acne affects 742 million patients daily, an alarming 48% are unsatisfied with their current acne treatment [1,2]. But the landscape is changing with...

How I Do It - Approaches to lip augmentation: more than just increasing size

Having full lips is commonly associated with beauty and youthfulness. This is the reason why lip enhancement is one of the most frequently requested procedures. The complete perioral frame should be taken in to consideration to achieve a more natural...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 7 December 2016

Zoey had two sisters, Leung Lee Michelle and Leung Mei. On 11 June, 2010 one of them made a formal statement to the police. She had questions that needed to be answered. She presented her queries in the form of...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (Part 19) - The judge fails...

The Judge continues in her ‘Reasons for Sentencing’ and refers to the expert opinion of Dr Jimmy Chan. I have already indicated the lack of veracity when it comes to matters of fact with Dr Chan. Now we an opportunity to consider the validity of his opinion.