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936 results found

Sun protection is essential to prevent skin cancer and premature ageing

The author gives a brief outline of the key functions of skin with a rationale for why sun care and protection is so important, which is referenced with current guidelines relating to sun exposure and vitamin D. The risks of...

How I Do It - NSR with dermal fillers

Year on year non-surgical rhinoplasty (NSR) has become increasingly popular and after first learning the technique with a needle, I was taught the cannula technique. Currently, I practise both techniques regularly and often use threads on bulky noses. Indications The...

In conversation with Maniram Ragbir

We were delighted to catch up with Maniram Ragbir about his career highlights and his current role as BAPRAS President. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery and what have...

Free flap reconstruction in stage 3 bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis

There is no widely accepted gold standard for the treatments of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis (BRONJ). Whereas the lesser stages of this BRONJ seem to respond well to conservative and minimal invasive therapies there is controversy regarding the treatment of the later...

Blindness after orthognathic surgery

This is a case report and review of the literature of this rare, but well recognised alarming complication. The authors discuss the possible mechanisms, suggesting that it does not arise from a direct injury to the optic nerve and is...

Hormones, ageing and skinspan

Skinspan refers to the years of life during which skin remains healthy, youthful and attractive and is influenced by genetic, metabolic and lifestyle factors. While ultraviolet (UV) exposure is a potent environmental driver of skin ageing, our hormones play a...

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PART I: Degraded professionalism among leading figures in Australian plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Lasers and the skin

Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers have revolutionised the treatment of many skin conditions and are being used both in terms of a medical and an aesthetic context. Laser technology has been advancing...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (Part 19) - The judge fails...

The Judge continues in her ‘Reasons for Sentencing’ and refers to the expert opinion of Dr Jimmy Chan. I have already indicated the lack of veracity when it comes to matters of fact with Dr Chan. Now we an opportunity to consider the validity of his opinion.

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Definitions, regulations and a review of the market

In the previous section of this special focus, the structure and function of the skin has been reviewed as well as the cutaneous changes induced by UV exposure. This section will define the term cosmeceutical and discuss the current market...

Lipoedema awareness – the current state of play

Why do we need awareness? Around 40% of women in the UK are overweight or obese. Yet, within that 40% statistic, is a sub-set of women for whom that is not the full story. They suffer from a condition called...

British Foundation for International Surgery and Training

Two of the UK’s most innovative Plastic Surgeons, Barbara Jemec and Wee Lam, give a fascinating account of the work of BFIRST overseas and, perhaps most importantly, explain how you can get involved. The British Foundation for International Surgery and...