You searched for "facial"

734 results found

Measures against female hair loss

The author presents a detailed, well-structured review about female hair transplant surgery. Female hair pattern loss usually differs from male hair pattern loss, resulting in regions of the scalp where hair density falls without complete alopecia. Surgery for female patients...

Stability of lateral canthal position following endoscopic forehead-midface-lift

The paper is a retrospective study of the changes on the lateral canthal area following endoscopic forehead-midface-lift in a series of 40 patients operated by the same surgeon. Four different parameters (horizontal width, vertical height, palpebral fissure width and angle...

Alar retraction – background and handling

The authors present a comprehensive analysis of alar retraction malformation in rhinoplasty patients. For this retrospective review they analysed 45 patients with alar-columellar disproportion. Various aetiologies were identified. Treatment of these has to be determined on an individual case-to-case basis....

Endoscopic brow lift in the course of time

The authors present a systematic review on the advantages and disadvantages of various brow-lifting techniques. They present their decision algorithm for closed versus opened approach, including potential complications and their management in general. After a detailed description of the endoscopic...

How I Do It - Practical guidance on avoiding adverse events following soft tissue augmentation – some tips

Complications following soft tissue augmentation range from the mild to the serious, e.g. blindness due to occlusion of the branches of the ophthalmic artery to the eye. Much of the literature reviewed appears to indicate that no treatments were found...

How I Do It - The original Blue Peel

The original Blue Peel is a highly controlled, trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-based device procedure, which was created to augment the results achieved with the Obagi Nu-Derm® skin health transformation system. The peel process, including the preparation of skin, application, as well...

OAEE UPDATE - Urgent Call for Surgical Supplies in Ukraine

UK professionals have called for aid in sending surgical equipment to Ukraine during Russian invasion.

Vascular complications Part 1: Prevention

- VIDEO CONTENT AT BOTTOM OF ARTICLE - Vascular complications from the use of soft tissue fillers can be devastating. In the first of a two-part series (click here for Part 2), the authors discuss how to avoid these adverse...

Rediscovering the Lost Art of Endonasal Rhinoplasty

The invention of modern rhinoplasty by Joseph transformed our understanding of nasal anatomy and surgery. His endonasal technique soon spread from Europe to the USA and dominated the surgical culture of the 20th century. The excessive removal nasal support structures...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Rejuvenation of the forehead: correction of the frontal concavity

During the ageing process, many different anatomical changes contribute to the aged appearance of the face [1]. Focusing on the forehead, typical age-related changes are regression of the hairline, solar damage, skin laxity, dynamic wrinkles, reduction of fat and bone...

How I Do It - Vaginal rejuvenation - CO2 laser therapy

Women with menopausal symptoms, as well as postnatally, are looking for additional methods as alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), local oestrogens or topical creams and lubricants, since only 34% comply with their prescribed therapy. Women report an impairment...