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748 results found

Sir Archibald McIndoe and the Guinea Pig Club

The early life of Sir Archibald McIndoe Archibald Hector McIndoe was born in Dunedin, New Zealand on 4th May, 1900. His father John was a printer and mother Mabel an artist. He was the second eldest child of four children....

How I Do It - Photoageing treatment: RF microneedling

Microneedling is a process by which very small, sharp needles are inserted into the skin layers at various predetermined depths to cause micro-injury to the dermis. The epidermal layer is minimally disrupted and healing is achieved without inducing an inflammatory...

In conversation with Professor Sebastian Cotofana

The PMFA Journal were honoured to chat to Prof Sebastian Cotofana about his career and involvement in the Aesthetic Dialogue International Symposium in Prague. Prof Sebastian Cotofana. What led you to choose a career in the field of facial aesthetics...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Definitions, regulations and a review of the market

In the previous section of this special focus, the structure and function of the skin has been reviewed as well as the cutaneous changes induced by UV exposure. This section will define the term cosmeceutical and discuss the current market...

Treatment of chrono and photoageing with combined light sources

Skin ageing depends on various intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (ambiental) factors: chrono and photoageing changes include wrinkles, abnormal pigmentation, skin laxity and telangiectasia. The Nordlys™ system is a multi-platform device that incorporates dual-filtering Selective Waveband Technology (SWT®) and two fractional,...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (Part 19) - The judge fails...

The Judge continues in her ‘Reasons for Sentencing’ and refers to the expert opinion of Dr Jimmy Chan. I have already indicated the lack of veracity when it comes to matters of fact with Dr Chan. Now we an opportunity to consider the validity of his opinion.

The challenge of reinterpreting past data through the lens of advances in skin biome research

Advances in technology have allowed scientists to expand their understanding of the complex interactions that occur between humans and the microbes that reside on and inside their bodies. However, these same advances present a challenge to scientists and clinicians to...

Cutaneous Malignancies: A Surgical Perspective

This is a very informative reference text. Twelve chapters have been written specifically for those involved with dermatological surgery. In the UK several specialties may be involved in the surgical management of cutaneous malignancies from dermatologists to plastic and maxillofacial...

Melasma treatment – what have we achieved in 42 years?

Melasma is a hyperpigmentation disorder which has been the subject of intense research over the last 40 years. As yet no definitive therapeutic strategy has been demonstrated to eradicate it or to avoid relapse. The author provides an up to...

Aerolase Neo Elite®

Aerolase Neo Elite® stands at the forefront of dermatological innovation, offering an unparalleled solution for treating all severities of acne. This advanced laser technology features a unique...

How I Do It - Non-ablative fractional laser handpiece for skin resurfacing

The development of laser-based aesthetic devices has provided patients with an appealing non-surgical treatment alternative to address clinical aspects of photoageing skin [1]. Many treatments include skin resurfacing of the uppermost skin layers to initiate a skin regeneration process with...

How I Do It - Thin lips – remodelling with hyaluronic acid

Volumetric changes in treating thin lips remain a challenge for all aesthetic medical practitioners. Obtaining an optimum result requires a good knowledge of facial anatomy, an excellent injection technique and adequate and careful patient selection. With inappropriate patient choice, even...