You searched for "Rejuvenation"

641 results found

Post-treatment advice following botulinum toxin injections

The author gives a detailed review of the advice that is routinely offered to patients following treatment with botulinum toxin, as well as the available evidence to substantiate current recommendations. There is a detailed description of the mechanism of action...

Perioperative management of the head and neck cancer patient

The perioperative care of patients with head and neck cancer is complex and requires significant preoperative planning and patient education. The issues include analgesia, antibiotics, stoma and wound care, general and chest physiotherapy, thromboprophylaxis and nutrition. This article provides a...

Perspectives on: Polyurethane covered breast implants

The manufacturer’s viewpoint: Myths, failures and the regulation of the modern breast implant. The modern day silicone breast implant industry was created with the Dow Corning prosthesis, first used in the USA in 1962. Since its introduction into the market...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: Pulsed-dye laser

Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease worldwide and inflammatory acne has significant psychological impact with potential for long-term emotional and physical sequelae [1]. Energy based treatments are useful both as adjuncts to traditional therapies and particularly for patients...

In conversation with Steven Dayan

We were delighted to catch up with Steven Dayan, esteemed Plastic Surgeon and US Scientific Director of AMWC. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery and what have been the...

COVID-19 elective oculoplastic consent proforma

The advent of COVID-19 will continue to impose major adaptations in how we as surgeons practise and offer elective surgery going forward. In addition to how we try to adapt to make our practice as safe for the patient and our teams as...

Ethnic characteristics of the hair

The authors of this article discuss various aspects of ethnic differences in the field of hair restoration. They categorise three ethnic groups: Asian, White and African. In the article anatomic and hair characteristics are introduced. Understanding the follicle shape, calibre...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 4 May 2016

So in the space of just a few days the Junior Doctors in the UK have engaged in the first all-out strike in the NHS since 1975. I was a medical student then and the issue was pay and conditions....

Letter from Hong Kong (17 December 2020)

This will be the last ‘Letter from Hong Kong’. I began back in April with a simple message, wear masks.

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A Comprehensive Study Guide

This book was conceived as a simple study guide / aide memoire for those sitting the American board exams in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and indeed was largely written by residents approaching these exams, on the premise that they...

OPINION - Influencers affect us all: but are they as good as we think?

Recently I was approached by the son of a 75-year-old lady for a second opinion on a large fungating malignant melanoma on the outer lateral aspect of her left thigh. She had noticed an enlarging 50p size pigmented lesion just...

Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS)

The Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS)From Thinkin by Dr. Benjamin Ascher Welcome to the inaugural Injectable Summit 2024 (MAIS 2024), a gathering that’s never happened in our profession before! This summit is dedicated to all leaders in the medical aesthetic...