You searched for "risk"

428 results found

How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – treatment of capsular contracture with Celluma low level light therapy

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the world. Capsular contracture is a common complication and major contributor to dissatisfaction. It is thought to be due to a chronic inflammatory process in the implant...

How I Do It - Aesthetic reconstruction of the nasal radix-rhinion complex

The radix-rhinion complex forms one of the most important pillars of nasal aesthetics. Due to its complex anatomical nature and distance from the point of access, this region can be commonly involved in suboptimal results. Tailor-made operative planning Most of...

How I Do It - Performing a mastopexy or reduction using Breform™ mesh

Gravity defying breast surgery – the Holy Grail for breast surgeons. Repeat ptosis and pseudoptosis are significant problems facing patients and surgeons after breast reduction and mastopexy. Further surgery to correct this can be challenging, with increased complications, and the...

How I Do It - Reduction ­thyroplasty

Introduction Male to female transgender patients often undergo reduction thyroplasty – a procedure to reduce the external appearance of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, and feminisation of the voice. Reduction thyroplasty, often erroneously called ‘tracheal shave’, is one of...

Luminescens® protocol: an efficient tool against recurrent melasma

Melasma is a hyperpigmentary skin disease with a complex multifactorial pathogenesis which is not yet well understood. Risk factors include a genetic predisposition, sun exposure, stress, medications, and pregnancy [1]. It is clinically characterised by asymptomatic light to dark brown...

Using growth factors in skincare protocols to elevate patient results

All patients embarking on an aesthetic journey should be introduced to the importance of skin and why a healthy skin canvas is fundamental in producing the best possible surgical and non-surgical results. Investing in a carefully curated skincare regime can...

Tranexamic acid and platelet rich plasma in the treatment of melasma: efficacy and safety

Melasma is a common, acquired, progressive, often symmetrical macular hypermelanosis that is usually localised on the face and more frequently on the forehead, upper lip, central and malar area of the face. It is triggered by a variety of factors,...

We need to talk about amputation – a difficult conversation in the developing world

What do you do when a patient refuses amputation? The author shares various cases and outlines her team’s approach to this scenario in Gaza. What to do when a patient refuses amputation for a severely damaged lower limb that will...

Photoshopping the face: simulated outcomes of orthofacial surgery

Corrective facial surgeries are highly elective procedures. Outcomes depend largely on the nature of the surgery performed (requiring an in-depth knowledge of surgical techniques and anticipated soft tissue changes) and should be predictable in terms of risk and outcomes, in...

Combined procedures: lipo-abdominoplasty and lipo-inner thighplasty (string technique) and face rejuvenation

From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 2 With the evolution of superficial suction lipectomy in the 1990’s the need for skin resection became less common and the...

Cutting it fine online: social media and reputation management on the web

Social media is an amazing tool which, in its finest form, can be utilised to heighten your profile, increase brand awareness, promote your services, and fruitfully interact with colleagues, patients and the public. It is important, however, to remember that...

In conversation with Derek Mendonca

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what made you decide on a career as a paediatric plastic surgeon? I was born and raised in Bahrain, in the Middle East. My parents, both from Managlore in India,...