You searched for "maxillo-facial"

147 results found

Basic principles of bioengineering and regeneration

The ability to create de novo tissue to replace that removed from patients during surgery is a relatively recent advance. However, this is a fast-moving field and one which surgeons must be aware of from practical, ethical and scientific viewpoints....

Tissue engineered flaps

This article provides a thorough summary of the current techniques available in head and neck reconstruction. It details the challenge of restoration of form and function posed by the shape of the craniofacial skeleton and soft tissue. The introduction on...

Honey in the management of mucositis

This is a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Despite some limitations, they were able to identify that honey could reduce the severity of radio / chemotherapy induced oral mucositis. They acknowledge that the exact aetiology in the effect of honey...

Bad splits

This is a meta-analysis of reported risk factors of a ‘bad split’ in a sagittal split mandibular osteotomy. They identified 30 observational articles and therefore acknowledged it is based on low quality studies. It is compounded by the definition of...

Carnoy’s and the KOT

This is a retrospective review of 105 patients with keratocystic odontogenic tumours treated over a 23-year period with a mean follow-up of 86 months. The recurrence rate was 11.4%. Permanent neuro-sensory deficit of the inferior alveolar nerve was 16%. Younger...

Plunging new depths for the treatment of ranulas

This series of 15 patients describes treatment for ranulas with a suture technique performed as an outpatient under local anaesthesia, in a two-stage process. The authors state that they have modified a historical Chinese technique. During the first visit, the...

Oculoplastic Surgery, 3rd Edition

This is a single author textbook in its third edition that reflects the author’s extensive experience and also their detailed, methodical and organised approach to oculoplastic, orbital and lacrimal surgery. It is a widely known and popular textbook, not only...

Which patients are more likely to have postoperative pulmonary complications after major head and neck?

Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) following major head and neck surgery are frequently encountered. Indeed, surgery in the head and neck area itself has been identified as a risk factor for these complications. Microvascular reconstruction is a widely accepted and proven...

Facial reconstruction with polyethylene implants

Planning reconstructive surgery for complex craniofacial defects challenges even the most experienced of surgeons. In most cases surgery is undertaken to improve anatomical functioning. However, the anatomical structure of these regions is also critical to facial aesthetics and patient satisfaction...

Is it time for cone-beam CTs to replace the traditional orthopantomogram in the primary diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders?

Cone-beam computed tomographic (CT) requires a lower dose of radiation compared to the multidetector CT and provides much more detailed information in 3D about the bony structures of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) when compared to the traditional OPG. In this...

The Surgical Art of Facial Makeover (Two Volumes)

This is an excellent two-volume textbook written by a world leader in the field of facial deformity, facial corrective surgery and orthognathic surgery. The two volumes bring together the various subspecialties as well as other non-surgical components of treating facial...

How developments in maxillofacial surgery have contributed to improved quality of life for patients

The patient perspective, functional outcomes and morbidity are key factors that influence ‘quality of life’ [1,2]. There are many examples of how developments in oral and maxillofacial surgery have improved the outcome and ‘quality of life’ for patients with head,...