You searched for "inflammatory"

153 results found

The role of angiogenesis in wound healing, scarring and tissue regeneration

In the UK alone there are 175,000 people who visit Accident & Emergency departments with burns each year. This results in around 13,000 hospital admissions, of which 1000 are due to severe burns [1]. Over half of these admissions are...

Management of post-acne scarring

The author provides a detailed discussion of acne scarring, underpinned by statistics, reflecting the current prevalence. The pathogenesis of acne scarring, different types of scars and severe psychological impact are explored with emphasis on providing evidence-based treatments in aesthetic practice....

Maximising treatment outcomes with skin peels

The author provides a comprehensive overview of skin peels as one of the main treatment options for the improvement of photodamage, hyperpigmentation and mild acne, whilst reinforcing that aesthetic practitioners have a responsibility to inform patients of all the available...

The role of bacterial biofilms in aesthetic medicine prioritising prevention

The author provides an overview of literature pertaining to the complex and specialist subject of biofilms that may occur in aesthetic medicine. A brief overview is presented concerning the pathophysiology of biofilms with some discussion concerning differential presentations; early and...

How I Do It - Treating the lower face with HA fillers in elderly patients

Facial rejuvenation treatment of the lower third of the face with hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers in elderly patients can result in the development of fibrous tissue especially after several procedures have been performed. Many patients present with concerns over the...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: Nd:YAG laser

Acne is common among individuals who experience a condition of hyperactive pilosebaceous units (precipitation and mobility of keratinocytes). A specific T-cell mediated inflammatory response is the initiating event in acne pathogenesis, followed by comedone formation. The mechanism of inflammation is...

The use of electrolysis in acne treatment – sebaceous gland ablation

Sebaceous gland ablation (SGA) offers a long-term solution to persistent acne. This is an exciting new treatment which is bringing hope to acne sufferers everywhere. What is acne? Acne is an unsightly skin condition which causes thickening and inflammation of...

Cryolipolysis: a review of published clinical data

Definition: Cryolipolysis is derived from the greek language, describing ‘cold’ and ‘fat breakdown’. History The actual phenomenon of cold induced adipocyte necrosis was originally described by Epstein et al. in 1970 who had reported the presence of a “red indurated...

The place of BoNT in TMD: review article and case report

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Over the last decade, there has been a great deal of interest...

The future of acne treatment is clear

As acne affects 742 million patients daily, an alarming 48% are unsatisfied with their current acne treatment [1,2]. But the landscape is changing with...

Text Atlas of Wound Management

The authors in the preface of Text Atlas of Wound Management acknowledge that this is a challenging and difficult area of medicine. Their book aims to deconstruct and simplify the management of different types of wound by showing us real...

Bioengineered human tissue

This is a literature review of the current status of tissue engineering related to ocular and oculoplastic reconstructive surgery. The authors describe the process of bioengineering for tissue reconstruction. The aim is to reproduce functional tissue by the use of...