You searched for "NHS"

114 results found

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 8 Apr 2016

I want to post a question on the FB Group supporting the Junior Doctors over their David and Goliath fight with a juggernaut of blind, self-deceiving or just ignorant, elected members of Parliament. I should say that I am not...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 26 September 2016

As I write this blog the noble few, the bold and brave few, are in the High Court in London presenting arguments to Judge. There is strong legal evidence to support a finding that the Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt has...

CAPSCO survey

Following the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and national lockdown, the NHS capacity has been overwhelmed this year. As a result, all private corporate hospitals were contracted by the government to support the NHS. Aesthetic plastic patients are given ‘low’ priority under...

Should Plastic Surgeons 'De-skill'?

For some time now I have been thinking about when a surgeon actually deskills through not doing a particular operation. In particular, this applies to plastic surgeons after completion of NHS type training with no previous exposure to cosmetic patients...

Dalvi Humzah nominated for BMA Private Practice Committee

Co-editor of The PMFA Journal, Dalvi Humzah, has been nominated to join the BMA Private Practice Committee.

Topical and systemic interventions for the treatment of rosacea

The author provides current statistical information on the incidence of rosacea and ambiguity surrounding the aetiology of the common, yet complex condition. The paper reinforces the importance of providing symptom specific treatments, as well as the key position of aesthetic...

Technology for remote working and COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of how we live, and how healthcare needs to be provided for the welfare of patients and staff. I thought I would try to summarise a few potential technology tools that could be...

CQC regulators and private hospitals need more common sense

There is a fundamental flaw in the way regulatory bodies are allowed to pressure and scare perfectly functioning private hospitals. Invariably the regulators themselves are of ordinary stock and have to justify their salaries by increasing administrative workloads on others....

COVID-19: thoughts from an Edinburgh plastic surgeon

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every aspect of life. Ken Stewart, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Special Advisor for The PMFA Journal, outlines for us how his own plastic surgery department has adapted to the crisis. What did you do...

The impact of COVID-19 on aesthetic plastic surgery in the UK: a survey of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

Introduction Devastating pandemics have occurred throughout human history, including the Antonine Plague (AD 165-180), the Justinian Plague (AD 514-549), the Black Death (AD 1347-1351) and the Spanish Flu (AD 1918-1919). The COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China in December 2019,...

COVID-19: How the plastic surgery specialty is responding

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, what happens when there is no work? We present viewpoints from various plastic surgeons faced with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of the Cosmetic Surgery Forum...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 4 May 2016

So in the space of just a few days the Junior Doctors in the UK have engaged in the first all-out strike in the NHS since 1975. I was a medical student then and the issue was pay and conditions....