You searched for "Exosomes"

70 results found

Internal factors contributing to optimal skin health and rejuvenation

The author explores some common internal factors that affect skin health, such as; nutrition, hormonal balance, gut health and emotional wellbeing. The author’s treatment philosophy aims to address internal factors relating to skin health by reducing, preventing and eliminating oxidative...

Exploring skin anatomy, function and site-specific treatment options

A detailed paper exploring salient concepts of skin anatomy pertinent to aesthetic practitioners, performing non-surgical treatments. Components of the epidermis and dermis are comprehensively described, with emphasis placed on clinicians developing an in depth understanding of how the ageing process...

­Distal edge necrosis in cervicofacial rotation-advancement flaps

Mohs facial reconstructive surgery can be a difficult process for a patient to undergo. The goal of facial reconstruction is to restore contour, function and aesthetics while minimising morbidity. The authors conducted a review of 88 patients who underwent cervicofacial...

A new technique for correction of medial ectropion with a lax medial canthal tendon

This is a prospective study of a new technique for repair of medial ectropion associated with medial canthal tendon (MCT) laxity. The procedure was performed on 79 eyes and involved excision of an ellipse of tissue from below the punctum...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 7) – South Korea

South Korea is a truly amazing country and has, over the last thirty years, transformed into one of the most dynamic and innovative economies in the world.

Recurrent corneal erosions secondary to isotretinoin use

This article originally appeared in Eye News Dec/Jan 2021 Isotretinoin (13–cis-retinoic acid) is the first line treatment for moderate to severe nodulocystic or papulopustular acne [1,2]. Although it is a safe medication, it has several adverse side-effects, including ophthalmic manifestations,...

Safety and risks of local anaesthesia and regional blocks in plastic surgery

The current COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented risks associated with intubation and general anaesthesia with the potential transmission of a novel and potentially fatal airborne disease. Local anaesthesia, when used appropriately, can provide safe and effective analgesia without the risks...

Treating laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers with pharyngolaryngectomy

The debate amongst head and neck surgeons, as to whether a skin flap or enteric flap offers superior outcomes in pharyngeal reconstruction, still rumbles on. The evidence pool is very shallow, even accounting for the so-called ‘landmark’ papers that swung...

In Your Face: the hidden history of plastic surgery and why looks matter

In a time when there is growing concern with problems associated with plastic surgery, this book is a pleasure to read. It presents a balanced and personal account of facial plastic surgery written in an erudite manner by a leading...

Peeling away the years: bespoke framework technique for using Definisse™ Peel Program from RELIFE in acne

Acne vulgaris is the most common potentially scarring skin condition seen in dermatology and general practice. A recent network metanalysis [1] confirmed the efficacy of oral pharmacological therapies but questioned the consistency of effect of topical agents and peels. Factors...

Tranexamic acid and platelet rich plasma in the treatment of melasma: efficacy and safety

Melasma is a common, acquired, progressive, often symmetrical macular hypermelanosis that is usually localised on the face and more frequently on the forehead, upper lip, central and malar area of the face. It is triggered by a variety of factors,...

Suspension thread lift combination treatments

A true facelift can only be achieved through surgical means, at least for now, and given advances in techniques and anaesthesia, this has become far safer. Not everyone, however, requires a facelift. Non-surgical modalities such as thread lifts with or...