You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Free style facial artery perforator flaps for nasal reconstruction

This is an update from the team of authors that originally described the free style facial artery perforator flap, for one stage nasal reconstruction, in 2009. They now update after 10 years of experience with these freestyle facial artery perforator...

Free flap reconstruction in stage 3 bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis

There is no widely accepted gold standard for the treatments of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis (BRONJ). Whereas the lesser stages of this BRONJ seem to respond well to conservative and minimal invasive therapies there is controversy regarding the treatment of the later...

A conservative approach to treat ameloblastoma

Ameloblastoma is a relatively rare odontogenic tumour that is benign but locally aggressive. Additionally they tend to recur locally. These are rare accounting for 1% of oral tumours and occur almost exclusively in the jaws. It is more common in...

Reconstruction after parotid surgery

This is a retrospective study from Naples, Italy. The authors analyse and compare patients that had benign parotid disease that were reconstructed with three different techniques. Between February 2002 and March 2009, 224 patients were included; these patients had either...

Beta blockers in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas

Following the work of Léauté-Labrèze et al. in 2008, describing the successful use of beta blockers in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas, the medical treatment of these troublesome malformations has almost completely replaced surgical treatment, which has been relegated to...

Anteromedial thigh perforator free flaps

Forty-one consecutive anterior anteromedial thigh (AMT) free flaps are reported, with a success rate of 95%. This flap is being used as an alternative to the preferred anterolateral thigh flap (ALT), which is described as the ‘real workhorse’, when this...

Lymph node ratio in tongue cancer

This is an analysis of 88 patients treated in Switzerland between 2003 and 2012. All patients had a selective neck dissection and recurrence occurred in 25 patients. Overall and disease specific survival were 72% and 80%. They specifically looked at...

Photoshopping the face: simulated outcomes of orthofacial surgery

Corrective facial surgeries are highly elective procedures. Outcomes depend largely on the nature of the surgery performed (requiring an in-depth knowledge of surgical techniques and anticipated soft tissue changes) and should be predictable in terms of risk and outcomes, in...

Poor glycaemic control associated with worse outcomes in primary wound closure

This study is the first to specifically investigate the effects of chronic and perioperative glycaemic control in high risk patients undergoing primary closure of wounds. Seventy-nine patients were included – 93% of closures were of the lower limb and only...

LA-MCA 2023 6th Annual Aesthetic Meeting and Hands-on Workshop

A report by Mohsen Naraghi covering the 23-26 March 2023 LA-MCA 6th Annual Aesthetic Meeting held in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States.

In conversation with Thierry Besins

We were delighted to catch up with Thierry Besins, esteemed Plastic Surgeon and Scientific Director of AMWC. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of aesthetic plastic surgery and what have been the...

Skin antisepsis and the prevention of infection: where tradition, science and guidelines collide

“…the quality of the studies was not good enough for the committee to make a strong recommendation for the choice of antiseptic preparation.” NICE Guidelines NG125 Skin preparation before an invasive procedure is a part of all surgical procedures and...