You searched for "clinic"

695 results found

Clinical outcome of patients with self-inflicted burns

This study examines the link between patients presenting with self-inflicted burns (SIB) and key outcomes including length of stay (LOS) and mortality. The authors describe current ambiguity in the literature relating to this topic in burns care. They highlight similar...

Dermoscopy: an update and personal view

With skin cancer now at epidemic levels, early diagnosis is essential. Specialist Stephen Hayes advocates the use of dermoscopy as a triage tool and explains how to interpret the data. Melanoma skin cancer is now the UK’s fifth most common...

Hymenoplasty and virginity – an issue of socio-cultural morality and medical ethics

This article reflects the increasing complexity of the modern world, where the rich diversity of culture, morals, the law and religion, can have profound effects on medical practice. Sometimes there is considerable debate which is not in fact appropriate. This...

Management of masseter hypertrophy and bruxism with Botulinum Toxin A

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. The squaring of the lower third of the face can be an...

100 Hand Cases

As the synopsis suggests, 100 Hand Cases “provides a clinical write-up of 100 typical cases from two globally recognised authorities who cross over between plastic surgery and orthopaedics, the two specialties dedicated to training hand surgeons.” This is actually a...

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide

Plastic surgery and otolarynology are an example of two surgical specialties which intersect, allowing for clinical and research collaboration. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide gives reference to a number of different principles which have been combined in...

Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice, Third Edition – NEW REVIEW

The third and latest edition of Anthony Benedetto’s Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice is an impressive collaboration of experts in dermatology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology and anatomy, amalgamating years of clinical experience to produce an immensely detailed textbook. Volume 1 describes...

Skin with different forms of radio frequency

The authors present a comprehensive and critical discussion of radio frequency technology with detailed descriptions of unipolar, monopolar, bipolar, multipolar as well as fractionated microneedling technologies, supported by some examples of current devices. Critical discussion is provided concerning the literature...


The author advocates that aesthetic nurses are potentially well placed to offer patients the opportunity to engage in conversations relating to intimate visible differences, proposing the use of an EX-PLISSIT model of interaction (Davis & Taylor, 2006). This is a...

Risks and benefits of sunlight exposure

The author provides a timely summary of recently published National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) (2016) guidance regarding the risks and benefits of sunlight exposure and capturing the challenges which face healthcare professionals in communicating key messages focusing...

PIP experience in the United Kingdom

This interesting study had three end-points. The accuracy of operative and radiological findings on explantation of PIP implants following the PIP scandal. The volume between intact and ruptured implants, with the hypothesis larger implants were more likely to rupture, and...

Assessing acne vulgaris

The author reviews the evidence surrounding acne development, prevalence and assessment, discussing the importance of capturing a detailed patient history, with reference to aspects of the author’s own assessment tool. The crucial role of the pilosebaceous unit in relation to...