You searched for "clinic"

695 results found

Mercy Ships’ hope and healing in Madagascar

Since my last article on the mission of the Mercy Ships in 2013, the current vessel, the Africa Mercy has continued to bring hope and healing to the people of West Africa. Having completed a very successful eight-month visit to...

Maxillo-facial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the past...

Debate - Voluntary registers for medical cosmetic practitioners: friend or foe?

In June this year BACN and PIAPA issued a joint statement criticising voluntary registration bodies such as Save Face. Regulation is a hot topic that many in the industry feel passionately about, and the statement sparked a debate about whether...

Melanoma skin cancer: how can we improve early detection in the UK?

With melanoma rates increasing globally, should there be screening of high-risk groups? Stephen Hayes takes a look at how Australia has reduced its melanoma mortality and asks whether a similar model should be adopted elsewhere. In Britain, some 16,000 new...

Stratifying preoperative risk in revision augmentation: the six Cs

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the UK [1], and with an increasing number of providers, plastic surgeons are managing revisions without information pertaining to the original procedure. Anticipating the features of successive generations of...

The three stages of breast reconstruction

Breast cancer has become so common that most people reading this article will know someone (either professionally or personally) who has been affected by breast cancer. One of the most common treatments for breast cancer is removal of the ‘whole’...

Text Atlas of Wound Management

The authors in the preface of Text Atlas of Wound Management acknowledge that this is a challenging and difficult area of medicine. Their book aims to deconstruct and simplify the management of different types of wound by showing us real...

Fat Injection from Filling to Regeneration, Second Edition

This is an incredible multi-author book which gives the most comprehensive account of the use of fat as a biological material for soft tissue augmentation and regenerative medicine. After a brief introduction and a description of the evolution of fat...

Nanocrystalline silver compared to alternative silver delivery systems in the management of burns

With the rapid pace of new medical products being developed and marketed, it can be difficult to identify which product will provide most benefit to our patients. It is essential to have good evidence to allow us to make the...

Management of major burns – a role for Oxandrolone

Oxandrolone The authors present a retrospective single centre based study assessing the effect of Oxandrolone (OX) on the length of stay (LOS) following ≥15% of total body surface area (TBSA) burns. One hundred and sixty-seven surviving patients were retrospectively analysed...

Anatomy Masterclass: Botulinum Toxin - Full Face (Cadaver tutorials & Optional hands on - live models)

Don’t miss out on > Cadaver Anatomy - Review of the face - Including live demonstrations - Focus on full-face botulinum toxin. What to expect:• Improve your anatomical knowledge and understanding of the face via a live review and demonstration...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 23) - Snoring

We all know what snoring is, but do we understand what snoring means?