You searched for "Rejuvenation"

641 results found

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 3 August 2016

Whistle blowing. What is it? Fascinating discussion with Chris Day, the Junior Doctor in the UK who is challenging the execution of the law in this sensitive area of employment contracts ( More of that later, but just to note,...

The World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent

With the 4th World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent (WAPSCD) coming up in November I thought I would share my experiences with you. I attended the second world congress in Taiwan for plastic surgeons of chinese descent which...

Lip augmentation

In the second of our two-part special focus (see here for Part 1) on lips we are delighted to present this comprehensive clinical guide for practitioners undertaking lip augmentation. Lips and eyes enhance facial beauty. Highlighting these has been dated...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 14 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part five) Whilst the death of Zoey Leung was now the focus of a criminal investigation I found myself dealing with...

Post-truth bogus science: Cosmetic surgical research concerns support the need for research integrity watchdog in Australia

The post-truth phenomenon has become a worldwide problem. The absence of a research integrity watchdog in Australia is causing related concern in aesthetic surgery, with the risk of research misconduct being allowed to prosper and benefit vested commercial interests. We...

Perceptions and Deceptions (A Death in Hong Kong.) 6 December 2016

An evolving essay and insight into Medicine and the Law in contemporary Hong Kong. A girl’s brain was destroyed due to medical negligence. She had entrusted her life to a celebrity cosmetic surgeon who was going to make her breasts...

Sir Archibald McIndoe and the Guinea Pig Club

The early life of Sir Archibald McIndoe Archibald Hector McIndoe was born in Dunedin, New Zealand on 4th May, 1900. His father John was a printer and mother Mabel an artist. He was the second eldest child of four children....

Endoscope and concealed incisions for small benign tumours of the accessory parotid gland

While the most common conventional approaches for benign tumours of the parotid gland are the standard parotidectomy incision, a modified standard parotidectomy incision and a face lift incision, the authors have used a modified endoscopic approach with minimal concealed incisions...

Anatomy & Filler Complications

A book with a calming light brown covering is what is needed when faced with an adverse event. This book covers the underlying anatomy and filler complications that may occur in clinical practice. Arranged in five chapters it is an...

How I Do It - Non-surgical skin cancer treatment: topical photodynamic therapy

The incidence of skin cancer is rising exponentially in the UK; in particular non-melanoma skin cancer, yet the current statistical data surrounding exact figures is thought to be underestimated. Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) provides a non-invasive, safe and efficacious modality...

Carnoy’s and the KOT

This is a retrospective review of 105 patients with keratocystic odontogenic tumours treated over a 23-year period with a mean follow-up of 86 months. The recurrence rate was 11.4%. Permanent neuro-sensory deficit of the inferior alveolar nerve was 16%. Younger...

The role of bacterial biofilms in aesthetic medicine prioritising prevention

The author provides an overview of literature pertaining to the complex and specialist subject of biofilms that may occur in aesthetic medicine. A brief overview is presented concerning the pathophysiology of biofilms with some discussion concerning differential presentations; early and...