You searched for "skin"

580 results found

Correcting lower lateral cartilage absence

Congenital absence of the lower lateral nasal cartilage is rare. The authors discuss correcting the absence using an open approach technique to harvest septal cartilage. This is then fashioned into a shield graft and a supporting strut graft to define...

A useful regional flap for head and neck reconstruction

This article explains the experience of the head and neck department of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary with a seldom used regional flap, the supraclavicular artery (SCA) fasciocutaneous flap. This versatile flap is based on the supraclavicular artery, a...

Nasal reconstruction – short and sweet

This brief article by Stephen S Park presents his modified technique for nasal reconstruction, based on a single-stage forehead flap. The author presents this method as an alternative to a multiple staged interpolated forehead flap and discusses its advantages and...

Cheek and lip reconstruction

The authors present a well-structured review of the reconstruction of cutaneous defects of the cheek and lip. They present new findings that have an impact on the planning and understanding of local flaps for the reconstruction of both areas. Integrated...

Excisional margins for cutaneous malignancies

The authors present the results of a retrospective study of 495 non melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) lesions of the face treated with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) over a six year period. The size of the lesion was calculated as the...

Superficial lymphatics of the abdominal wall in lymphatic microsurgery

This elegant and beautifully illustrated article requires to be carefully studied in its entirety by any surgeon planning to carry out lymphovenous anastomoses or vascularised lymph node transfer in the groin area. As the authors point out, the most difficult...

Endoscopic brow lift in the course of time

The authors present a systematic review on the advantages and disadvantages of various brow-lifting techniques. They present their decision algorithm for closed versus opened approach, including potential complications and their management in general. After a detailed description of the endoscopic...

Male pattern baldness is not all in the genes

Gentlemen, be advised (if it’s not already too late) that you may be able to influence your chances of going bald. The authors of this study compared the patterns of baldness in 92 pairs of identical twins and correlated these...

Imiquimod for lentigo maligna

This is a retrospective review of 12 patients with periocular lentigo maligna treated with topical 5% imiquimod cream. In six patients it was the only treatment, and in the other six it was used following partial excision, cryotherapy or both....

The double-half bilobed flap or traditional bilobed flap – which is better?

Reconstruction of the nasal tip following ablative surgery can be taxing. The nasal tip is a very visible area with largely immovable skin and reconstruction needs an appreciation of the various sub-units to achieve best results. The traditional superiorly based...

Hyaluronic acid filler for infraorbital hollows

Volume loss theory has changed the traditional theory of excess tissue as the cause of facial aging. Periorbital area is a challenging region for the injection because of its thin skin, increased vascularity, and compromised lymphatic drainage system. So contour...

Chemical peels: a review of types, applications and complications

Chemical peeling agents continue to grow in popularity in response to rising patient demand. The author captures this popular treatment modality with a succinct review of some of the commonly used ingredients, classified broadly by depth into superficial, medium and...