You searched for "healing"

1093 results found

NYU Langone Health performs world’s first whole-eye & partial-face transplant

Landmark whole-eye transplant is a major paradigm shift for potential vision therapies.

Platelet-based aesthetic therapies – to science from fiction

The author provides an overview of the theory behind platelet rich plasma and summarises the published evidence for its use in aesthetic treatments. Platelet-based treatments, commonly referred to collectively as platelet rich plasma (PRP), have been proposed and advocated for...

Suspension thread lift combination treatments

A true facelift can only be achieved through surgical means, at least for now, and given advances in techniques and anaesthesia, this has become far safer. Not everyone, however, requires a facelift. Non-surgical modalities such as thread lifts with or...

A farcical attempt to uphold the law

I read in the paper last week that an 86-year-old plastic surgeon, Franklin Li, was being charged with 21 offences that were associated with the death of a top Hong Kong banker, Zoe Cheung, in a beauty clinic in Tsim...

Laser tattoo removal

The authors, experts in dermatologic laser surgery, provide us with a comprehensive review on the use of lasers for tattoo removal. The advanced development in laser devices that can be used for tattoo removal has helped patients and clinicians attain...

The importance of nitric oxide in medicine

The harmful effects exerted upon living and injured tissues by free radicals have been explored since the 1980s. Now in 2021 the free radical nitric oxide (NO) is not just a figment of imagination; it is known as one of...

Acid attacks: part 1

In the first of a two-part series, Andrew Burd takes us through the background to the development of his protocol for the acute management of chemical assault burns (see Part 2 here). I have maintained a long-term interest in how...

Nordlys® System – Treatment of inflammatory acne and rosacea

Acne vulgaris is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition and the eighth most prevalent skin disorder worldwide, with a prevalence of 9.4% [1]. Rosacea is also a common chronic inflammatory skin disorder, with an estimated global prevalence of 5.46% of...

Chemical peels: a review of types, applications and complications

Chemical peeling agents continue to grow in popularity in response to rising patient demand. The author captures this popular treatment modality with a succinct review of some of the commonly used ingredients, classified broadly by depth into superficial, medium and...

Choosing anaesthesia for oral surgery

This article offers guidance in choosing the most appropriate modality of anaesthesia for oral surgery and the setting in which it is delivered. It attempts to classify the different types of anaesthesia into local anaesthesia, sedation, which it further sub...

Cellulite: does wearing compression hosiery work?

Cellulite affects a large proportion of women. Recently several companies have produced compression hosiery claiming to reduce the appearance of cellulite. One of the latest products are ‘Silver Wave’ stockings, made by Solidea, which claim to reduce cellulite using ‘patented...

Multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer conservation – therapeutic mammoplasty

Edinburgh-based plastic surgeon Ewa Majdak-Paredes provides us with a comprehensive review of therapeutic mammoplasty, a multidisciplinary approach to breast-conserving surgery with an emphasis on oncological safety and good aesthetic outcomes. Breast cancer Each year over 55,000 women in the UK...