You searched for "malar"

333 results found

Handy Solutions

Very few people, if any, enjoy the ravages associated with the ageing process. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs throughout life, but for some unknown reason (possibly associated with epigenetics) cellular replacement and therefore matrix volume decreases. The result is that...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Definitions, regulations and a review of the market

In the previous section of this special focus, the structure and function of the skin has been reviewed as well as the cutaneous changes induced by UV exposure. This section will define the term cosmeceutical and discuss the current market...

Wound moisture sensing in traumatic wounds

Wounds can be small and unpleasant, or may be large and life-threatening. The skin is a physical and an immunological barrier to infection, and any defect in the integrity of the skin may allow bacterial or fungal invasion to occur....

Want to do exciting entrepreneurial research? – ask the space scientists

Advances in medical technology have improved the quality of life for people around the globe and contributed towards a general increase in life expectancy. Much of this can be attributed to a synthesis between the experience of medical professionals and...

Treatment of chrono and photoageing with combined light sources

Skin ageing depends on various intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (ambiental) factors: chrono and photoageing changes include wrinkles, abnormal pigmentation, skin laxity and telangiectasia. The Nordlys™ system is a multi-platform device that incorporates dual-filtering Selective Waveband Technology (SWT®) and two fractional,...

OPINION - Influencers affect us all: but are they as good as we think?

Recently I was approached by the son of a 75-year-old lady for a second opinion on a large fungating malignant melanoma on the outer lateral aspect of her left thigh. She had noticed an enlarging 50p size pigmented lesion just...

In conversation with Naveen Cavale

We were delighted to catch up with Naveen Cavale, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and President of the RSM Section of Plastic Surgery. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery? A bit...

In conversation with Dr Hema Sundaram

We were delighted to chat to world-renowned Dr Hema Sundaram about her fascinating career in dermatology and how plans for SEASON 2020 are going. You are internationally recognised in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery – can you tell...

Burnout: is this just a pandemic phenomenon?

The phrase ‘burnout’ is often heard, but what is it, and what are the early warning signs? Importantly, how can it be prevented or managed? Over the last few years, health professional wellbeing, mental health, and burnout have come to...

The importance of continuing professional development in rhinoplasty

The PMFA Journal team invited two world-renowned rhinoplasty surgeons to reflect on the importance of life-long learning in their chosen specialty. The vital role of continuous surgical training in rhinoplasty By Pietro Palma Rhinoplasty can be a most rewarding operation...

In conversation with Dr Benjamin Ascher (2019)

The PMFA Journal was delighted to chat to internationally renowned plastic surgeon Dr Benjamin Ascher for his thoughts on training and changes to the world of aesthetics. Dr Benjamin Ascher How have things changed since you first started working in...

The fault in our scars

A groundbreaking study recently presented to the British Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons (BAPRAS –, conducted at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in collaboration with the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Kids and University College London, has...