You searched for "male"

577 results found

Labbé in children

This is the first report in the literature of orthodromic temporalis tendon transfer or the Labbé technique performed on children. The authors used a modification of the transoral approach to the temporalis tendon, originally described by Byrne and Boahene, which...

Patient-reported outcomes in oculoplastic surgery

This is an important if somewhat difficult to grasp article which tries to formally address the subject of patient-reported outcomes in oculofacial surgery. The authors have conducted an extensive review of the literature searching for instruments (questionnaires) which have been...

Subcutaneous botox

The authors of this paper performed a double blind, randomised, prospective trial on 19 patients receiving intramuscular botulinum toxin injections on one side of the forehead and subcutaneous injections on the other. Objective assessment of brow elevation and subjective self-evaluation...

An elegant extension to the facelift, resulting in good neck correction

The author discusses his experience in over 200 cases of an overlapping plication platysmaplasty technique via the facelift incision, thus avoiding a submental incision. A logical argument is made to the benefit of the procedure, providing more extensive retraction in...

The cost of surgery for bedsores

Many plastic surgeons will have experienced a heart-sinking moment when receiving a request to give an opinion on a patient with a bedsore. The surgery is not technically demanding, but the postoperative care and rehabilitation of the patient can be...

Comparison of direct suture and nerve grafting on a rodent model of facial nerve injury

The paper shows the result of a study comparing recovery after complete facial nerve transection and immediate repair by direct neurorrhaphy or nerve grafting in an animal model. The authors cut the buccal and mandibular trunk of the left facial...

A comprehensive proforma for maxillo-facial trauma

The authors begin by emphasising the importance of complete medical records in maxillo-facial trauma by pointing to the fact that the records not only provide the necessary clinical information but also provide legal protection of both the patient and the...

Surgery for class III malocclusions pharyngeal airway and sleep apnoea effects

Thirty-three patients from Brazil were assessed for obstructive sleep apnoea and hypopnoea syndrome pre- and six months postoperatively. The 33 patients were made up of nine having mandibular set back surgery, six maxillary advancement and 18 bi-maxillary surgery. They identified...

Face Eyes Nose: Facial Aesthetic/Oculoplastic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Fresh Cadaver Dissection & Lecture Course

The highly renowned Face Eyes Nose conference returns to Coventry in May 2019 with the usual successful format of lectures and fresh cadaver dissections. Course Chairman, Rana Das-Gupta, with the help of Course Convenors, SK Ahmed and TK Sankar, has...

Stratifying preoperative risk in revision augmentation: the six Cs

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the UK [1], and with an increasing number of providers, plastic surgeons are managing revisions without information pertaining to the original procedure. Anticipating the features of successive generations of...

COVID-19: How the plastic surgery specialty is responding

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, what happens when there is no work? We present viewpoints from various plastic surgeons faced with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of the Cosmetic Surgery Forum...

The three stages of breast reconstruction

Breast cancer has become so common that most people reading this article will know someone (either professionally or personally) who has been affected by breast cancer. One of the most common treatments for breast cancer is removal of the ‘whole’...