You searched for "practice"

936 results found

Behind the scenes of MZ Skin

Facial Aesthetics and Oculoplastic Surgeon Maryam Zamani takes us on her journey from the vision of creating a scientifically backed skincare range for women to the reality of her brand, MZ Skin, being launched onto the shelves of Harrods. We...

2nd Chance: reconstructive surgery for life reconstruction

Many populations throughout the developing world have no access to the specialist healthcare needed by patients who have suffered severe burns, war injuries or congenital disorders. The specialties of plastic and maxillofacial surgery can make a vital contribution and PMFA...

An overview of chemical peels

Chemical peels form an important part of most aesthetic and cosmetic practices. They are an affordable procedure for patients and significant results can be achieved. Generally chemical peels are a safe procedure, but only if used correctly and with caution....

Treatment of vertical alar discrepancy

This article explains the way to treat vertical alar discrepancy through alar crease and alar sulcus full-thickness incisions and advancement-rotation of the alar flaps. The authors divide the group of patients into three main categories depending on the vertical movement...

Massive weight loss abdominoplasty with novel technique of umbilicus reconstruction

This paper provides a description of the authors’ technique and thoughts on fleur de lys abdominoplasty including a technique of fashioning of the neo-umbilicus within the vertical scar. It contains good operative and postoperative photographs. The authors starting with the...

Acid attacks: part 1

In the first of a two-part series, Andrew Burd takes us through the background to the development of his protocol for the acute management of chemical assault burns (see Part 2 here). I have maintained a long-term interest in how...

An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Second Edition)

An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a book of two parts. This is described in the book as basic patient care and oral surgery. It is a surprisingly comprehensive book considering the volume of material it covers, with...

The Art of Combining Surgical and Nonsurgical Techniques in Aesthetic Medicine

This is a well-written hardback discussing various approaches to combination treatments for the face and the body. There are 15 chapters each outlining a specific category from patient selection to the use of noninvasive devices, light-based therapies and blending non-surgical...

Dermatological Cryosurgery and Cryotherapy

This is a comprehensive dermatological cryotherapy reference book that is a useful asset to your library. With 14 sections and 143 chapters this book is a definitive guide to the use of cryotherapy in dermatology. Starting with the history of...

Treatment of low-risk basal cell carcinoma and actinic

The first paper of this topic explored skin cancer recognition, patient education and sun safety. The second part focused on practical guidance for aesthetic nurses, should a patient present with a suspicious skin lesion. The author maintains that aesthetic nurses...

A place for nerve transfers in your hand surgery service

The author summarises the application of nerve transfers in upper limb trauma. This is a review article and covers the principles of transfer; the indications, preoperative assessment and the whole patient journey, stressing the need for rehabilitation. The technical factors...

Reversing signs of skin ageing with topical retinoids

The reversal of the signs of ageing / aged skin is an important component of any form of facial surgery. The authors here have written a comprehensive paper detailing the biological process in skin ageing and role of topical retinoid...