You searched for "male"

577 results found

Polydioxanone thread-lifting

A poignant medical liability piece for aesthetic nurses undertaking polydioxanone (PDO) thread lifting. The author provides the clinical background, as well as the anatomical areas which may benefit from rejuvenation with PDO threads. There is some discussion surrounding comparison with...

Management of post-acne scarring

The author provides a detailed discussion of acne scarring, underpinned by statistics, reflecting the current prevalence. The pathogenesis of acne scarring, different types of scars and severe psychological impact are explored with emphasis on providing evidence-based treatments in aesthetic practice....

Long-term outcome of the Turkish delight graft

The author of this study shows the long-term results of the Surgicel-wrapped diced cartilage, better known by rhinoplasty surgeons as the Turkish delight (TD) graft. The graft, originally described by the author of the article, was meant to be used...

A new method for free-flap total nasal reconstruction

Total nasal reconstruction is a challenge for facial plastic surgeons. Although most cases can be handled with local flaps, a bad state of the perinasal soft tissues, such as patients with head and neck radiotherapy may preclude its use with...

Repeated orbital decompression surgery

This is a retrospective review of nine redo orbital decompressions in six patients. All operations were performed for dysthyroid optic neuropathy, both initially and when repeated. The interval between first and redo decompressions varied from one to 15 years and...

ERAS in microvascular breast reconstruction

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is an important concept in today’s accountancy dominated hospitals, effectively decreasing the length of stay (LOS) of postoperative patients. This is something that surgeons will have to consider – or have protocols foisted upon them...

Hyaluronidase is not foolproof prevention is key

The author presents a brief account of some key messages to practitioners undertaking non-surgical nose augmentation using calcium hydroxylapatite (Ca HA); reinforcing a robust, current and accurate knowledge of facial anatomy as well as the established safety profile of CaHA....

Long-term results of lateral brow suspension

The authors of this paper report their results of lateral brow suspension using a modified Fogli technique. The technique was done under local anaesthesia and most times in combination with other facial rejuvenation procedures. A horizontal incision in the temporal...

How accurate are doctors in estimating burn size

This was a retrospective review with data collated from two burns units in Sydney, Australia. The purpose of the study was to compare total body surface area (TBSA) burn size estimation between referring centres and burn units in adult patients....

Older people and skin challenging perceptions of the ageing process

This is an interesting account of the dermatological senescent changes with a strong focus on the pivotal role nurses can provide in promoting good skin health practices. A comprehensive description of underlying physiological changes and the physical manifestations is presented...

Crushed cartilage and fibrin sealant graft for radix augmentation

This paper shows a new technique for radix augmentation on Asian patients using crushed cartilage layers stacked on the nasal dorsum and stabilised with fibrin sealant. The study was made on 51 patients operated by the same surgeon in two...

A retrospective comparison between standard septoplasty and extracorporeal septoplasty

This paper shows the results of a retrospective study made on 169 patients with nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum who were operated using a standard septoplasty technique or performing an extracorporeal septoplasty. Postoperative nasal patency, aesthetic outcome,...