You searched for "ethical"

748 results found

Facial changes caused by smoking

Smoking is a well known factor in facial ageing. In this interesting evidence level II article, the authors have decided to evaluate the effect of smoking in monozygotic twins with different smoking histories using standarised photography. Seventy-nine pairs of twins...

Severe bone resorption in expanded polytetrafluoroethylene chin augmentation

This is a case report describing a 35-year-old woman who had had an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene chin implant inserted 13 years previously through an intraoral incision. She complained of pain in her chin and lower anterior teeth. A cephalogram showed severe...

New recombinant human BMP for augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus

There has been a recent interest in the use of bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7) to augment the floor of the maxillary sinus. Loss of teeth in the posterior maxilla results in rapid horizontal and vertical reabsortion of alveolar bone because...

Management of alar retraction

This paper shows the results of a retrospective study on aetiology and treatment of one of the most common issues in rhinoplasty, alar retraction as defined by Jack Gunter’s classification system. The study was made using pre- and postoperative photographs...

Effects of orbital decompression

This is a retrospective review of 319 orbital decompression operations in 169 patients (73% female) with thyroid eye disease. Three wall decompressions were performed in 92 eyes, 2-wall in 206 (medial and floor), and a single wall (medial) in 18,...

Lateral canthal position after lateral orbitotomy

This is a retrospective photographic study of changes in the lateral canthal position following a lateral orbitotomy performed via a lateral canthotomy and cantholysis of both upper and lower limbs of the lateral canthal tendon. Reconstruction of the lateral canthus...

Massive weight loss abdominoplasty with novel technique of umbilicus reconstruction

This paper provides a description of the authors’ technique and thoughts on fleur de lys abdominoplasty including a technique of fashioning of the neo-umbilicus within the vertical scar. It contains good operative and postoperative photographs. The authors starting with the...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: LED therapy

The complexity of acne stems both from its pathogenesis that involves a series of events, including follicular hyperconification, increased sebum production, colonisation of Propionibacterium (P) acnes, and inflammation [1] and its range of symptoms that are unique to each individual....

Non-surgical lip enhancement: systematic preoperative assessment

Detailed knowledge of the anatomy is important prior to any surgical or non-surgical intervention in this complex area. Dr Samizadeh takes us through her pre-procedure analysis. The most frequent location for faciaaestheticl volumising procedures is reported to be the lips...

Combating winter skin

It is well documented that colder temperatures can have detrimental effects on the skin [1]. Individuals living in countries far from the equator, such as northern parts of Europe and North America are exposed to harsh weather during winter months,...

The mission to provide equal access for the treatment of port wine stain birthmarks

The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation (VBF) is the leading charity in the world for networking individuals with vascular birthmarks, anomalies, and related syndromes (VBARS) into proper medical treatment. The VBF currently monitors over 80,000 individuals / families, worldwide, who are affected...

Luminescens® protocol: an efficient tool against recurrent melasma

Melasma is a hyperpigmentary skin disease with a complex multifactorial pathogenesis which is not yet well understood. Risk factors include a genetic predisposition, sun exposure, stress, medications, and pregnancy [1]. It is clinically characterised by asymptomatic light to dark brown...