You searched for "Rejuvenation"

641 results found

Infection in prosthetic temporomandibular joints

This is an overview from an internationally recognised temporomandibular joint (TMJ) surgeon. It is a comprehensive article highlighting that incidence is likely to be underestimated and prevention the main objective. Not surprisingly a lot of the conclusions are based on...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 18) - The judge fails at maths

I was troubled by the Judge's response and wondered what a mathematician would have thought of it. So, the following emails ensued:

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 21 July 2016

It must be bloggers block! The information incoming is just too great to handle. I have cross-posted about this blog in an editorial I have just written for our magazine. I am revisiting the inquest of a girl that died...

Skin antisepsis and the prevention of infection: where tradition, science and guidelines collide

“…the quality of the studies was not good enough for the committee to make a strong recommendation for the choice of antiseptic preparation.” NICE Guidelines NG125 Skin preparation before an invasive procedure is a part of all surgical procedures and...

OPINION – Cosmetic surgery: a difficult reality with a simple solution

On 1 September 2022, an Independent Review released its long-awaited Report into Cosmetic Surgery in Australia [1]. Its key recommendation reflected the sentiment of our new, peer-reviewed, paper in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery entitled ‘Cosmetic Surgery Regulation in...

Acute dacryocystic retention

This is a retrospective study of patients with acute dacryocystic retention (ADR). The condition is distinct from infectious dacryocystitis, and is chararcterised by an acute onset of pain and epiphora associated with a tender but not inflamed lacrimal sac thought...

FACE 2015

This was undoubtedly the biggest and most prestigious UK conference of the year. The international mix of both delegates and presenters brought together knowledge, skill and allowed us to experience a jam-packed agenda covering all aspects of aesthetic medicine. The...

BAS (British Association of Sclerotherapists) 2019 Conference

Report by Hilary Furber, BAS Operations Manager. An enthusiastic group of over 80 surgeons, doctors and nurses gathered in May at the magnificent lakeside Eton Dorney Conference Centre near Windsor for the British Association of Sclerotherapists’ (BAS) 2019 Conference. This...

In conversation with Anna Baker

The PMFA Journal team were delighted to chat to Anna Baker, Aesthetic Nurse Prescriber, about the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) for those in the field of aesthetic medicine. What do you think is the purpose of CPD? The...

The day to day running of an aesthetics clinic

With the booming aesthetics industry expected to continue growing at the rate of 10% per year, the move into setting up and running your own aesthetics clinic may seem increasingly tempting. PMFA News’ very own Victoria Smith takes you through...

In conversation with Dr Uliana Gout

We recently caught up with Dr Uliana Gout, re-elected President of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM), about the College’s 20th anniversary year, its plans for 2022 and how it has supported members throughout the pandemic. Are you enjoying...

Exploration of more effective neurorrhaphy in facial nerve reconstruction

This study was laboratory based and focused on different types of end-to-side neurorraphy, and their effects on treating partial facial paralysis. The ultimate aim of this study was to determine which end-to-side neurorraphy produced the greatest axonal growth across the...