You searched for "scars"

793 results found

Male aesthetic treatments: a review

There is a growing demand for aesthetic procedures for men. Anna Baker provides an overview of the popular treatments and explains the important differences between male and female facial anatomy that need to be considered before treating these patients.

MD/PhDs or MD/MBAs: which do we need more to innovate in plastic surgery?

I would like to thank Arlen Meyers and Victor Castro for submitting this article. One of the problems that I have seen in my professional lifetime is the failure of entrepreneurs to grasp that there is no infinite health care...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 22 Apr 2016

The junior doctors in the UK are facing the reality that if they hold steady there is the very real prospect that ‘an elite group of professional people’ can topple a corrupt and dishonest Government and restore the balance of...

Skin grafts vs local flaps in reconstruction of nasal defects

Nasal defects commonly are a result of removal of skin lesions. Cosmetic outcomes of local flap reconstructions are commonly accepted to be superior in comparison to skin grafts. However, local flap reconstructions require more adjunctive procedures than single-stage operations based...

Back to the blog: Part II

PART II: Key players in the turf war between the board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons and the 'non-accredited' cosmetic surgeons.

Diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaw

Although the management of medical relation osteonecrosis of the jaw is usually provided by colleagues in maxillofacial surgery, it is essential for ENT surgeons to effectively diagnose the various presentations of this condition. Affected bone that is exposed and necrotic...

Psychosocial impact of otoplasty

This paper examines the impact of otoplasty on quality of life. Eighty-one patients who underwent otoplasty were evaluated using questionnaires. They were divided into three age groups: Youth 1 (Y1) = 8-12 years (n = 17), Youth 2 (Y2) =...

Sensitive cilia – eyelashes in health and disease

In health our eyelashes protect the eyes, but in disease they can disfigure, impair quality of life and threaten vision. In this review the authors discuss aspects of lashes that are relevant to all professionals working near the eyes and...

How I Do It - X neo-umbilicoplasty

Following an abdominoplasty the umbilicus is repositioned and inset into a new position. When healed it should have a natural appearance and in order to get this outcome it is necessary to understand what is ‘normal’. Several different morphological appearances...

How I Do It - Body contouring surgery using the body-jet

When the body-jet was first demonstrated to me in 2005, it was as a means to remove fat. It is now an integral part of my body contouring practice, and removing fat is only half the story. My own view...

‘Split’ earlobe repair

Surgical repair of the earlobe is an increasingly sought-after procedure for patients of all ages. The most common reason for those wanting definitive surgical repair of their earlobe deformity is due to a ‘split’ or elongated earlobe piercing. The resultant...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: Nd:YAG laser

Acne is common among individuals who experience a condition of hyperactive pilosebaceous units (precipitation and mobility of keratinocytes). A specific T-cell mediated inflammatory response is the initiating event in acne pathogenesis, followed by comedone formation. The mechanism of inflammation is...