You searched for "aesthetic"

839 results found

Treating individuals who identify as transgender

An interesting oversight of a specialised area of aesthetic medicine concerning hair removal for male-to-female transgender individuals. The author discusses the definition of ‘transgender’ with reference to The Gender Identity Research and Education Society, to guide aesthetic nurses to this...

Maximising treatment outcomes with skin peels

The author provides a comprehensive overview of skin peels as one of the main treatment options for the improvement of photodamage, hyperpigmentation and mild acne, whilst reinforcing that aesthetic practitioners have a responsibility to inform patients of all the available...

Nutraceuticals and skin health

An interesting discussion on the evidence surrounding nutraceuticals. The author describes nutracosmetics to be one of the fastest growing subsections of the nutraceutical industry. A comprehensive analysis of topical and dietary antioxidant protection is conveyed with conclusive evidence to demonstrate...

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and appearance anxiety

An interesting overview of the impact which appearance anxiety can create upon an individual’s wellbeing. Studies estimate one third of individuals with a visible difference are thought to develop anxiety and stress as a consequence. Whilst the discussion surrounding this...

Rosacea: approaches to a complex and chronic skin condition

The complexity surrounding the causes of rosacea are briefly outlined, such as organism colonisation, susceptible skin types, and the challenge of misdiagnosis. The author classifies the condition into the following sub-types: erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, papulopustular rosacea, phymatous rosacea and ocular rosacea....

‘Rhinofiller’: non-surgical correction of the nose

Dr Agolli from Italy advocates the use of filler to quickly and easily achieve a non-surgical rhinoplasty without downtime for the patient. Cultural basis It is believed that Dante Alighieri was not a handsome man, probably because of his appearance,...

Dubai Derma 2024 Concluded with AED 2.4 Billion Worth of Business Deals

In March the 23rd edition of the Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition (Dubai Derma 2024) successfully concluded, marking the largest scientific conference and exhibition for dermatology and...

Cautions, contraindications and complications in aesthetics

All aesthetic practitioners will face complications during their career. It is therefore vital to be prepared. Dr Nestor Demosthenous provides a comprehensive guide to potential complications when treating patients with fillers. A complication during or following a treatment carried out...

Chin augmentation: filler versus prosthesis

Over recent years, aesthetic medicine and aesthetic surgery have become closer and more combined in daily practice. There is also a gradual shift, with aesthetic doctors performing more invasive techniques, whereas plastic surgeons are also, whenever possible, moving to less...

Non-invasive lip and perioral rejuvenation with 1550nm non-ablative fractional laser

Lips play a significant role in our facial aesthetics and are often considered a focal point of beauty and sensuality [1,2]. Over time, factors like ageing, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices can effect the appearance and condition of our lips....

SIAB 2023

SIAB 2023 - The format of the day is lectures in the traditional theatre style the first part of the day and then the second part is where delegates have opportunities to ask their own questions about their own business.

Combination therapy for PIH in skin of colour

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is very common in skin of colour with up to 65% of African, Hispanic, and Asian populations experiencing symptoms from acne and up to 90% of patients experiencing symptoms from pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) [1,2]. PIH can be...