You searched for "Wounds"

811 results found

Hymenoplasty and virginity – an issue of socio-cultural morality and medical ethics

This article reflects the increasing complexity of the modern world, where the rich diversity of culture, morals, the law and religion, can have profound effects on medical practice. Sometimes there is considerable debate which is not in fact appropriate. This...

In conversation with Maniram Ragbir

We were delighted to catch up with Maniram Ragbir about his career highlights and his current role as BAPRAS President. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery and what have...

Long-term quality outcomes of bimaxillary surgery of obstructive sleep apnoea

This is a review of 12 patients initially two years postoperatively and again at least 17 years postop. Successful outcome of a decrease in apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) of greater than 50% was thought to be success. Eight of the initial...

The gender affirmation surgery MDT

The authors provide a comprehensive and thought-provoking discussion of the multidisciplinary nature of caring for someone undergoing gender reassignment surgery. In the last 50 years in the UK an estimated 130,000 people have changed their gender assigned at birth (assigned...

Cautions, contraindications and complications in aesthetics

All aesthetic practitioners will face complications during their career. It is therefore vital to be prepared. Dr Nestor Demosthenous provides a comprehensive guide to potential complications when treating patients with fillers. A complication during or following a treatment carried out...

Dermoscopy: an update and personal view

With skin cancer now at epidemic levels, early diagnosis is essential. Specialist Stephen Hayes advocates the use of dermoscopy as a triage tool and explains how to interpret the data. Melanoma skin cancer is now the UK’s fifth most common...

Is there a role for retrobulbar hyaluronidase in hyaluronic acid vascular embolism related vision loss?

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. How should vascular occlusions be managed? The authors review the evidence on...

A picture is worth a thousand words… communicating with your patients more effectively

Communicating information effectively with patients is essential yet often challenging. Plastic Surgeon Gavin Miller takes us through his approach to using online resources to make the process as effective as possible. Getting ideas across to other people isn’t always easy,...

The safety of performing elective dermatological procedures under local anaesthetic during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance advised postponement of elective procedures except for time-critical local anaesthetic (LA) procedures [1-3]; our NHS Trust therefore continued with LA skin malignancy surgery. All patients having possible skin cancer lesions removed...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 5 October 2016

And there was me thinking Hong Kong is in a bit of a political mess! What an extraordinary few weeks in the UK as far as medicine is concerned. After months of insisting that he, The Right Honorable Jeremy Hunt,...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 13) – Records of necessary information

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. This is the year of the Tiger. I am fine, I am a Dragon. This is going to be an interesting year.