You searched for "Future"

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Male aesthetic treatments: a review

There is a growing demand for aesthetic procedures for men. Anna Baker provides an overview of the popular treatments and explains the important differences between male and female facial anatomy that need to be considered before treating these patients.


Although the lesion known as Xanthelasma was first described by Addison and Gall in 1851 [1] it was recorded some 300 years previously in the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this painting, Leonardo da...

A picture is worth a thousand words… communicating with your patients more effectively

Communicating information effectively with patients is essential yet often challenging. Plastic Surgeon Gavin Miller takes us through his approach to using online resources to make the process as effective as possible. Getting ideas across to other people isn’t always easy,...

Periocular burns: a literature review of classification, management protocols and outcomes of treatment

The author provides a review of the current literature regarding the principles of classification, management protocols of acute ocular and periocular burns and the role of the burn and oculoplastic surgeon involved in their care. More than two-thirds of facial...

A ventral solution to a perineal problem: a case report

The repair of postoperative perineal hernias is extremely challenging. Two male patients with problematic secondary perineal hernias following abdominoperineal resection of rectal adenocarcinoma have been successfully treated using the Ventralex™ composite, self-expanding ventral patch, normally used for umbilical and epigastric...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 15) – Duty of Care

Just to recap; I have been looking at the Reasons for Sentence in the case of HKSAR and Kwan Hau chi, Vanessa. The verdict had been declared: “guilty”. Now, on 4 October 2021, the Hon D’Almada Remedios J is going to present her review of the case and the factors she has taken into account when deciding the sentence. I am referring to an official document which is in the public domain. The case reference is HCCC 200/2018. It is a shameful document, but we must all share in that shame.

Hydroquinone-induced hyperpigmentation: a case of exogenous ochronosis in a Hispanic patient

Achieving flawless skin as part of the desire to be perceived as ‘beautiful’ is a common sentiment shared by many cultures [1]. Of the many treatment options and products available on the market, the most common chemical agent to achieve...

Medicinal leech therapy in plastic surgery

The medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) has played a role in treating illness for over 3500 years [1]. It has survived rapid paradigm shifts in medical sciences and knowledge. In Ancient Rome, the use of leeches for bloodletting was propagated by...

Preservation rhinoplasty

Hump reduction and osteotomies to close the open roof, or lowering the whole nasal dorsum? Charles East explains how preservation techniques can improve outcomes by maintaining the integral structures of the nose. What is preservation rhinoplasty? The origins of reduction...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 10) – Informed consent (ii)

In the context of medicine, we typically speak of informed consent as having both an ethical and a legal basis. The ethics are related to patient autonomy and human rights. The legal perspective relates to the definition of what occurs if consent is not obtained, and a physical intervention occurs (assault or battery at a minimum and it would appear, gross negligence if things go wrong).

HA dermal filler with lidocaine: initial clinical outcomes

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural occurring body polysaccharide essential for various body functions, present in connective tissues, skin, vitreous humour of eye, extracellular matrix, synovial fluid, etc [1]. It was first isolated in bovine vitreous by Mayer and Palmer...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Skin anatomy and photoageing

Skin anatomy The skin of the face provides crucial functions of temperature regulation, reparative functions following injury, facial expression, protective mechanisms against infection and ultraviolet radiation, as well as sensory perception. The integument consists of two principle layers, the epidermis...