You searched for "tissue"

620 results found

Laser tattoo removal

The authors, experts in dermatologic laser surgery, provide us with a comprehensive review on the use of lasers for tattoo removal. The advanced development in laser devices that can be used for tattoo removal has helped patients and clinicians attain...

Can I quit the gym? Low level laser and body contouring

Is low level laser the answer for patients seeking a non-invasive method for body contouring? Balancing energy intake and energy expenditure is the healthiest and most sustainable means of weight loss and toning, but despite this, areas of local fat...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Skin anatomy and photoageing

Skin anatomy The skin of the face provides crucial functions of temperature regulation, reparative functions following injury, facial expression, protective mechanisms against infection and ultraviolet radiation, as well as sensory perception. The integument consists of two principle layers, the epidermis...

A new treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) [1] is defined as a collection of symptoms and signs mainly associated with the progressive decrease in oestrogen levels. The lack of hormones, usually produced by the ovaries in fertile age, may lead to genital...

Old dogs can learn new tricks: the use of an often overlooked treatment modality for pathologically fractured mandibles

Figure 1: Timeline detailing key events in the patient’s treatment. Whilst commonly affecting the feet, spine and hips in adults, osteomyelitis (OM) can also present to the oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) clinic as pathology of the jaws. Case reports...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 4)

I want to return to the case of Dr Mak, who was, from the available evidence, caught up in a miscarriage of justice that arose because of a lack of effective interprofessional communication in the legal process.

Lips and the perioral area: anatomical considerations for safer and natural results

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, including lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid dermal fillers,...

Could a technology from the past change skin disinfection for the future?

It wouldn’t be unreasonable to argue that the field of medicine has seen some of the most significant scientific advances of the past 100 years: the cracking of genetic coding, the advances in pharmacology, the development of biopharmaceuticals and the...

Temple filler: an unusual complication

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Hollowing of the temples is one the earliest signs of ageing, creating...

Letter from Hong Kong (1 April 2020)

By Professor Andrew Burd 1 April 2020. It is past midday so this is real. Just under three weeks ago, 9 March, I was invited to write a guest editorial for the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. I described the...

The perfect upper lid blepharoplasty

The authors share their thoughts on how to achieve the best blepharoplasty results based on their 35 years of experience. Are you a surgeon wishing to offer the best upper lid surgery to your discerning patients? To help chart the...

A suggested management pathway for rhinophyma and benign superficial skin lesions that includes the use of plasma

Rhinophyma is an aesthetic embarrassment to many people. It is the result of sebaceous gland hyperplasia within the skin over the alar cartilages of the nose. It has a familial tendency and in addition to being unsightly it can commonly...