You searched for "male"

577 results found

Combined Vismodegib and Mohs surgery

This is a report of eight patients with locally advanced periocular basal cell carcinoma who were treated with Vismodegib prior to Mohs micrographic surgery. The rationale for the combined treatment plan was that long-term Vismodegib is poorly tolerated due to...

Atlas of Reconstructive Surgery: a Case-Based Approach

"It is the type of book that I used to love when I was at registrar level in plastic surgery. That is to say long on enthusiasm and short on experience. The goal was to gain experience vicariously through other people’s experience and this is exactly what Lee Pu has given us here."

A new autologous flap option for breast reconstruction

The authors of this paper present the first meaningful series utilising the lateral thigh perforator flap for breast construction. Eight patients had delayed unilateral reconstruction, each with two stacked flaps. Anastamoses were performed antegrade and retrograde to one internal mammary...

In recognition of WS Ho

In memory of Wilson Ho Wai-sun, who sadly passed away in January 2024.

The origin of the Children’s Burns Club

Burn injuries can affect any of us or our families at any time. A momentary lapse in attention can lead to a lifetime of scarring. Whilst any individual member of a family group can be physically scarred, all the family...

Can 3D facial imaging improve patient management in disfiguring eye disease?

Fight for Sight is the leading UK charity funder of eye research. Since the 2013 Sight Loss and Vision Priority Setting Partnership we have encouraged our researchers to work on priorities jointly identified by people affected by sight loss and...

Cryolipolysis: a review of published clinical data

Definition: Cryolipolysis is derived from the greek language, describing ‘cold’ and ‘fat breakdown’. History The actual phenomenon of cold induced adipocyte necrosis was originally described by Epstein et al. in 1970 who had reported the presence of a “red indurated...

Facial nerve palsy and Facial Palsy UK

The term facial palsy is most commonly used to describe a paralytic lower motor neurone (LMN) dysfunction of the facial nerve. Upper motor neurone facial palsy, for example due to strokes and intra-cranial tumours, spares the forehead muscles and will...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 12 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part four). I had found Dr Wong exposing a dying patient for his own vicarious gratification. I had specifically forbidden him...

Letter from Hong Kong (8 May 2020)

The latest 'letter' from our man in Hong Kong, The PMFA Journal Co-editor Andrew Burd.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 5) - Who is the Judge?

I wonder what Vanessa is thinking right now. If she can even think. A torrent of images, regrets, what ifs. The onslaught must be so great, no wonder the normal response is for the mind and the body to shut down? Depression.