You searched for "hyperpigmentary"

79 results found

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin

A comprehensive paper concerning the dermal effects of sun exposure, including strategies which aesthetic nurses can adopt to guide patients in making evidence-based choices in selecting suitable sun protection. The key principles of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), including the immediate and...

Management of post-acne scarring

The author provides a detailed discussion of acne scarring, underpinned by statistics, reflecting the current prevalence. The pathogenesis of acne scarring, different types of scars and severe psychological impact are explored with emphasis on providing evidence-based treatments in aesthetic practice....

Maximising treatment outcomes with skin peels

The author provides a comprehensive overview of skin peels as one of the main treatment options for the improvement of photodamage, hyperpigmentation and mild acne, whilst reinforcing that aesthetic practitioners have a responsibility to inform patients of all the available...

Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2)

To start the second part (see also Definitions, regulations and a review of the market and Skin anatomy and photoageing and Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2) - continued) of this special focus on cosmeceuticals the authors will present some of...

CO₂ laser treatment for burn scars

Background Scars, of any type, can be a significant source of anxiety and psychological distress, not only for the affected patient, but also for close friends and loved ones. Scars represent focalised areas of fibrous tissue that replace normal skin...

How I Do It - Single session of 1064nm picosecond laser for ephelides

Ephelides is a common pigmentary problem which can appear on all skin types. Ephelides treatment usually involves 532 nm Nd:YAG laser and comes with a certain period of downtime and side-effects such as post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation. With the new StarWalker®...

Is sclerotherapy useful for cherry angiomas?

Cherry angiomas are common, often proving to be an irritation for patients as they tend to be deemed cosmetically unattractive, particularly if large numbers start to develop. This is a common condition I see at my clinic so I am...

Non-invasive lip and perioral rejuvenation with 1550nm non-ablative fractional laser

Lips play a significant role in our facial aesthetics and are often considered a focal point of beauty and sensuality [1,2]. Over time, factors like ageing, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices can effect the appearance and condition of our lips....

Photorejuvenation: Light & Bright™ treatment for enhanced skin quality

Improving skin quality has emerged as a significant trend in recent years, driven by the synergy between at-home skincare routines and diverse aesthetic procedures administered by medical professionals. With sun-induced skin damage manifesting early in life, there’s a surging demand...

How I Do It - Treatment of pigmentation and melasma

Uneven tone and pigmentation disorders are frequent problems that motivate patients to seek help. The gold standard for treating the majority of these hyperpigmentation changes is the use of a picosecond laser, as the effect is predominantly photomechanical and photochemical,...

Laser tattoo removal: results and issues

The term tattoo indicates both the technique for pictorial decoration on a person’s body [1], and the decoration produced by such a technique. Studies show that in the United States around 5-6% of the general population, 13% of adolescents, 19-35%...

Treatment of chrono and photoageing with combined light sources

Skin ageing depends on various intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (ambiental) factors: chrono and photoageing changes include wrinkles, abnormal pigmentation, skin laxity and telangiectasia. The Nordlys™ system is a multi-platform device that incorporates dual-filtering Selective Waveband Technology (SWT®) and two fractional,...