You searched for "Facelift"

72 results found

The Dallas Rhinoplasty and Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Dissection Guide

Although this is the book review section, the first thing to note is that the book isn’t the main event here. This publication is a video and photograph dissection guide, produced from the world-renowned Dallas Rhinoplasty and Cosmetic Surgery Course....

In conversation with Dr Suzan Obagi

We caught up with famous cosmetic dermatologist Dr Suzan Obagi following her visit to the UK this summer. Dr Suzan Obagi You are one of the foremost cosmetic surgeons / dermatologists in the United States – can you tell us...

How I Do It - A guide to anterior neck lift aesthetic surgery

The difficult neck, particularly an obtuse cervico-mental angle, and the fatty neck are areas that have been concerning plastic surgeons for decades. This article will be chiefly limited to the anterior neck. The neck cannot be improved by anterior neck...

How I Do It - Treating the ageing neck with Ellevate™ plus

The ageing and sagging neck cannot always be successfully corrected using standard facelift techniques, even those that include extensive SMAS lift [1]. Adjuncts to treatment can include liposuction, radiofrequency or similar skin tightening procedures, open or closed platysmaplasty, extensive SMAS...

Should Plastic Surgeons 'De-skill'?

For some time now I have been thinking about when a surgeon actually deskills through not doing a particular operation. In particular, this applies to plastic surgeons after completion of NHS type training with no previous exposure to cosmetic patients...

Face Eyes Nose 2014

Non-surgical facial aesthetics symposium The non-surgical facial aesthetics symposium provided a stimulating and interesting programme, comprised of a faculty of expert consultant plastic surgeons & cosmetic doctors. The course director, Mr Rana Das Gupta commenced the day and introduced the...

The incidence of non-surgical rejuvenation in facial aesthetic surgery

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation has increased exponentially in the last 20–30 years in a society which demands immediate results with minimal downtime. The overall UK market is estimated at £3.6 billion annually. The use of facial injectables increased by 7000% between...

Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery

The authors of Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery share their expertise of the fast-evolving field of minimally invasive procedures in aesthetic facial rejuvenation in this informative textbook. The content of Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in...

The Linear Bolus Technique and other practical tips for the advanced use of non-traumatic cannulas in aesthetic medicine

Some eight years ago, I read about non-traumatic cannulas in the brochure of a French medical supplies company. I was fascinated by the elegance of these instruments, as they respect the integrity of the tissues by not cutting through them....

IMCAS 2014 – Location, Location, Location

When it comes to planning a major international conference, location is almost as important as the programme on offer. This was evident in IMCAS 2014 delegates’ stated reasons for attending the conference this year; while 32% stated they came for...

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Asians - Principles and Techniques (Two volume set)

This two-volume textbook is a broad overview of cosmetic surgeries, written by a number of experts, providing a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to various cosmetic surgical procedures. The two volumes of the book are divided into 10 parts. The opening ‘General...

Facial rejuvenation with the Profound RF System

Ageing of the face has become more noticeable among men and women in the modern world. The new work-from-home environment with more and more online meetings has created surroundings where people see themselves repeatedly on screen and therefore many have...