You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Reconstructing large heel defects

A description of one method of reconstructing problematic soft tissue defects of the heel. It is always good to have several techniques available in your quiver, so that you can choose the most appropriate arrow for any particular problem. This...

An update on alopecia treatment options

In this paper the authors make a thorough review of the different medical and surgical options for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. Combined therapy with oral finasteride and topical minoxidil continue to be the mainstay for medical treatment. Follicular unit...

Labbé in children

This is the first report in the literature of orthodromic temporalis tendon transfer or the Labbé technique performed on children. The authors used a modification of the transoral approach to the temporalis tendon, originally described by Byrne and Boahene, which...

Lipofilling for scar improvement

Since Coleman et al. in 1991 reported on lipofilling, numerous applications have been reported; these include but are not limited to contour restoration, lip augmentation and wrinkle therapy. There have also been some one-off reports of improvements in scars following...

Non invasive simple reshaping of pinnae

The authors of this paper show the results of a prospective controlled in vivo animal model study where the pinnae of 18 New Zealand white rabbits were subjected to electromechanical reshaping (EMR) and three months postoperative splinting. Six voltage and...

Condylar fractures – current thinking

The author presents a review of 133 papers, most of which are recent and some of which are historic. The topic examined is that of condylar fractures including condylar neck and coronoid process. This topic has always been controversial and...

Delayed intraoral wound healing in patients on bisphosphonates

Since Marx first described bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ), the literature is now replete with cases of BRONJ. There are no internationally accepted protocols. A three month cessation of drug treatment, a ‘drug holiday’ has been advocated. The...

Extracapsular dissection versus parotidectomy

This is a literature review of 16 papers using the PRISMA protocol. In comparing the two techniques, not surprisingly, they found that the extracapsular dissection had a reduced facial nerve paralysis, Frey syndrome and operation time but also a reduced...

What is the best graft for nose surgery in the long-term?

The authors of this paper performed an experimental study on long-term histological changes in different grafts implanted subcutaneously in 25 New Zealand white rabbits. Ear cartilage, rib cartilage, autologous fascia, fascia allograft, diced rib and ear cartilage wrapped in autologous...

Supplement use in cosmetic facial surgery

This objective of this study was to report the incidence of dietary supplement use in facial cosmetic surgery patients in the United States. Dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and some have been known...

Do the benefits of scaphoidectomy and four-corner fusion for SLAC last?

The paper concisely covers the history and definition of scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) wrist. The treatments options are described in broad terms and referenced. Forty patients’ records are assessed retrospectively; their data having been collected prospectively in a structured and...

Body contouring surgery: Use common sense!

This informative article, which kicks off this excellent edition of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, provides a sensible and balanced review of when, why and what to do with the massive weight loss patient group. The recommended wisdom will be familiar...