You searched for "ethical"

771 results found

Stability of lateral canthal position following endoscopic forehead-midface-lift

The paper is a retrospective study of the changes on the lateral canthal area following endoscopic forehead-midface-lift in a series of 40 patients operated by the same surgeon. Four different parameters (horizontal width, vertical height, palpebral fissure width and angle...

Alar retraction – background and handling

The authors present a comprehensive analysis of alar retraction malformation in rhinoplasty patients. For this retrospective review they analysed 45 patients with alar-columellar disproportion. Various aetiologies were identified. Treatment of these has to be determined on an individual case-to-case basis....

Burns care in India: unique and continuing challenges

The author interviews Dr Shobha Chamania, Chief of Choithram Hospital Burn Unit, to obtain an insight into the unique challenges burns care practitioners face in India. Choithram Hospital Burn Unit is an Interburns accredited training centre located in Indore City,...

Business recovery and relaunch: how to grow your patient base in the new economy

As the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt, many aesthetic practitioners are facing an uncertain future. In this invaluable article Pam Underdown provides expert advice on how to survive and grow stronger than ever. The global...

What’s new in treating hypertrophic scars and keloids?

World renowned dermatologist, Michael H Gold, explains new treatments available in the challenging field of hypertrophic scar and keloid management. The treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids remains one of the most challenging conditions that dermatologists face on a regular...

The Evolution of Wood MediSpa

As surgeons we must have all dreamt of owning our own facility. The perfect dream of a stand-alone private hospital with the entire patient journey seamlessly mapped out. It would offer unparalleled continuity of care – the same team doing...

Adherence in Dermatology

Dermatology is a medical specialty in which successful patient outcomes are often dependent on strict adherence to treatment protocols. This may be difficult for some patients to achieve. Adherence in Dermatology by Scott A Davis addresses the issue of patient...

Stretch mark treatment comparison

This article shows a comparison between two simple methods of treatment which are currently widely used in the aesthetics industry to treat early striae distensae. With the increasing demand from patients to achieve an improvement in stretch marks, the drive...

MD/PhDs or MD/MBAs: which do we need more to innovate in plastic surgery?

I would like to thank Arlen Meyers and Victor Castro for submitting this article. One of the problems that I have seen in my professional lifetime is the failure of entrepreneurs to grasp that there is no infinite health care...

Medico-legal Forum (Botulinum/Laser)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. In our February/March issue we featured a case that involved complications following...

Clinical Anatomy of the Face for Filler and Botulinum Toxin Injection

This text provides an exquisite overview of clinical anatomy for aesthetic clinicians, providing cosmetic injectable treatments to an Asian population. The anatomical photography and clinical dissections convey exceptional detail of facial structures, combining embalmed and unembalmed specimens, as well as...

Liposuction – changes in contemporary practice

This article charts the progress and evolution of ‘liposculpture’ over an 18-year period, the surgical journey of over 5000 patients included in the paper. The senior author highlights the technical changes made over the period and how these have led...