You searched for "FACE"

557 results found

Purse string closure after excision of paediatric facial lesions

Circular excision and purse-string closure has been described for infantile haemangiomas as an alternative to lenticular excision. Records of 77 consecutive paediatric patients with facial skin lesions treated with circular excision and purse-string closure from 2007-2014 were reviewed. Lesions excised...

Factors which predict the utilisation of plastic dressing clinics in paediatric burns

This paper seeks to identify which factors impact on the re-attendance rates at a paediatric outpatient service following a burn. A retrospective review of patients admitted to a single paediatric burns unit (Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh) over a...

A review of burns in patients over the age of 90

The authors share their results looking at a retrospective review of burns in patients over the age of 90 in a 15-year period from 1998 to 2013 from a single regional burns centre (Pinderfields Hospital, UK). Twenty-two patients were identified...

Mastering the art of lip rejuvenation

The author presents a sound overview of some of the most prevalent non-surgical techniques used for lip rejuvenation, capturing the challenges in treating a complex anatomical region, as well as the attention required to the surrounding areas; nasolabial region and...

Facial changes caused by smoking

Smoking is a well known factor in facial ageing. In this interesting evidence level II article, the authors have decided to evaluate the effect of smoking in monozygotic twins with different smoking histories using standarised photography. Seventy-nine pairs of twins...

Scar revision synopsis

The authors present a comprehensive synopsis of late scar revision and other soft tissue deformities. They make the reasonable point that maxillo-facial surgery and its management of soft tissue injuries to the face is closely linked to cosmetic surgery. After...

Columellar strut in rhinoplasty

Several techniques are described to improve nasal tip shape; most of them include suture techniques or invisible grafts. In this article the author wants to put emphasis in the role of the columellar strut graft as a method to correct...

Management of keloid and hypertrophic scars

The management of keloid and hypertrophic scars is commonplace in all burns and plastic surgery outpatient clinics, and in this paper the authors review many of the current treatments available for this difficult problem. They start with an introduction about...

The pitfalls of having cosmetic procedures abroad

The author presents an interesting and thought-provoking case study, describing the risks of undergoing non-surgical procedures overseas. The account describes the journey of an individual who sought treatment with a dermal filler on the basis of a ‘weekend experience’ in...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 23b) – Timelines

Timelines are very important but how reliable are they? Of course, it depends on the source(s) of the data on which they are based.

In conversation with Professor Peter Adamson

We were delighted to catch up with Peter A Adamson, Professor of the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, University of Toronto. Professor Peter A Adamson. Can you tell us a...

Medico-legal Forum (Laser/Polydioxanone)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. Conclusion to the previous case Last issue’s Medico-Legal Forum discussed a case...