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284 results found

The lateral neck cystic mass – diagnostic dilemma

Solitary cystic masses in the lateral neck can present a significant diagnostic dilemma. These cystic masses often develop in young adults distinguishing a branchial cleft cyst from a cystic lymph node with imaging and even high-quality fine needle aspiration cytology...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Patient-Specific Hybrid Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has changed considerably over the past one hundred years, not only in terms of the surgical techniques used, but also in the outcome desired by patients. There are now a large number of surgical techniques used which deal with...

Maxillo-facial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the past...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 23a) – forensic snoring

If a person is snoring that means they are breathing. If they are breathing and their skin is of a normal colour does that not suggest that they are oxygenating the tissues?

Support groups for hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is an inflammatory condition characterised by painful inflamed nodules in the apocrine regions of the body. It follows a chronic relapsing clinical course and is a very difficult condition to treat. It has an estimated prevalence of...

The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Principles and Techniques, Third Edition

General review Immediately you sense a class act as the transparent cellophane membrane surrounding the book, beautifully adorned by the ‘Three Graces’ painting, is removed and the non-slip textured feel of the hard cover is exposed. This surface prevents the...

How I Do It - Treating the ageing neck with Ellevate™ plus

The ageing and sagging neck cannot always be successfully corrected using standard facelift techniques, even those that include extensive SMAS lift [1]. Adjuncts to treatment can include liposuction, radiofrequency or similar skin tightening procedures, open or closed platysmaplasty, extensive SMAS...

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy presenting as unilateral orbital fat prolapse

Case Report A 65-year-old gentleman with bilateral primary open angle glaucoma presented to an oculoplastic surgeon following referral from their glaucoma specialist. Following recent right eye glaucoma surgery, the patient had noticed right under eye swelling and had confronted the...

Platelet-based aesthetic therapies – to science from fiction

The author provides an overview of the theory behind platelet rich plasma and summarises the published evidence for its use in aesthetic treatments. Platelet-based treatments, commonly referred to collectively as platelet rich plasma (PRP), have been proposed and advocated for...

Raising the bar for safer cosmetic surgery in the UK – part 1

In part one of a two-series article Professor James Frame, from the Anglia Ruskin University, gives us his opinion on what needs to be done to improve cosmetic surgery and patient safety in the UK. Cosmetic surgery is most easily...

Management of masseter hypertrophy and bruxism with Botulinum Toxin A

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. The squaring of the lower third of the face can be an...