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978 results found

Informed consent and failure to disclose – legal perspectives for aesthetic surgeons

As litigation and legal claims in aesthetic surgery and medicine continue to rise, informed consent is not only a legal imperative but also essential in protecting yourself and your business. Lee Seng Khoo and Francesco Mazzarone, from the world-renowned Ivo...

Photoshopping the face: simulated outcomes of orthofacial surgery

Corrective facial surgeries are highly elective procedures. Outcomes depend largely on the nature of the surgery performed (requiring an in-depth knowledge of surgical techniques and anticipated soft tissue changes) and should be predictable in terms of risk and outcomes, in...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Definitions, regulations and a review of the market

In the previous section of this special focus, the structure and function of the skin has been reviewed as well as the cutaneous changes induced by UV exposure. This section will define the term cosmeceutical and discuss the current market...


Although the lesion known as Xanthelasma was first described by Addison and Gall in 1851 [1] it was recorded some 300 years previously in the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this painting, Leonardo da...

An overview of chemical peels

Chemical peels form an important part of most aesthetic and cosmetic practices. They are an affordable procedure for patients and significant results can be achieved. Generally chemical peels are a safe procedure, but only if used correctly and with caution....

Patient-reported outcomes in oculoplastic surgery

This is an important if somewhat difficult to grasp article which tries to formally address the subject of patient-reported outcomes in oculofacial surgery. The authors have conducted an extensive review of the literature searching for instruments (questionnaires) which have been...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 11) – Misinformed assent

I wonder how fast time goes in prison? 2022.This was Vanessa’s first New Year in prison. Dr Mak’s second. Two female doctors, both in their thirties. Dr Mak graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Dr Kwan, Vanessa, from Hong Kong University (HKU). Both are now incarcerated on the basis of myths. It is a disgrace.

The role of angiogenesis in wound healing, scarring and tissue regeneration

In the UK alone there are 175,000 people who visit Accident & Emergency departments with burns each year. This results in around 13,000 hospital admissions, of which 1000 are due to severe burns [1]. Over half of these admissions are...

Dermoscopy: an update and personal view

With skin cancer now at epidemic levels, early diagnosis is essential. Specialist Stephen Hayes advocates the use of dermoscopy as a triage tool and explains how to interpret the data. Melanoma skin cancer is now the UK’s fifth most common...

Augmentation rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty refers to a procedure in plastic surgery in which the structure of the nose is changed by adding or removing bone or cartilage, grafting tissue from another part of the body, or implanting synthetic material to alter the shape...

Lipoedema awareness – the current state of play

Why do we need awareness? Around 40% of women in the UK are overweight or obese. Yet, within that 40% statistic, is a sub-set of women for whom that is not the full story. They suffer from a condition called...

From PIP to DC-CIK to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: a medico-political minefield

Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) was a French company that manufactured silicone breast implants that were surgically implanted mainly for cosmetic breast augmentation. Of note, ‘cosmetic’ is used in the strict sense of the word meaning false and artificial and does...